Categories: Outdoor

Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors

Published by
James marcus

Autoflowering marijuana has become a consolidated lure over the past few years due to the possibility of obtaining various great quality grows throughout the season, a quality that pleases both expert and novice growers. Growing Autoflowering Cannabis outdoors is a great option because they are discrete in size, fast, easy to grow, resistant to cold and plagues, and produce productive yields with fantastic organoleptic properties.

First of all, an autoflowering marijuana plant flowers automatically. They don’t guide themselves by a concrete lighting plan for each of its growth and flowering phases. As amazing as it might seem, the suppression of photo-periods actually took place spontaneously as it first showed up in Ruderalis marijuana, which grows naturally in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

This genetic subspecies, after being bred with different sativa and indica strains, has resulted in countless marijuana hybrids that feature different flavors, aromas, appearances and flowering periods, as well as different cannabinoid contents, such as THC and CBD, that suit the needs of medicinal and recreational users. In this post we are going to address the advantages, inconveniences and the different ways of growing autoflowering cannabis outdoors with success. These types of plants feature psychoactive and organoleptic properties similar to those in feminized seeds.

Advantages of Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors

Autoflowering marijuana strains have a shorter life cycle than feminized cultivars. Contrary to these, auto cultivars’ full growth period lasts between 7-10 weeks, including growth and flowering periods; although, as it happens with feminized genetics, some varieties can take a week longer until buds are ripe enough.

Its short vegetative and generative periods make these types of plants the most appropriate ones for beginners and experienced growers that don’t have that much time to take care of their grow. With autoflowering strains, any grower can obtain amazing crops of mythical genetics such as Hindu Kush and Northern Lights fast and easy; while their feminized version could take up to four months.

Outdoor recommendations

When growing autoflowering strains outdoors, take into account that exposure to direct sunlight promotes larger and more abundant yields with bigger, denser and more resinous flowers. Its short cultivation period facilitates different crops in the one season.

Another advantage of autoflowering strains is that they can be grown at any time of the year; as long as the different climatic and meteorological aspects of growth areas are taken into account.

In Mediterranean areas it is possible to grow autoflowering cannabis strains during most of the season. This is due to the stable and particularly warm temperatures that this region offers during spring and summer. On the other hand, in northern areas it is best to avoid growing during the colder months as the ideal period goes from April to September; which is when days are longer in the northern hemisphere and autoflowering strains develop better if they obtain around 10 hours of daily sunlight.

It shall also be noted that these hybrids are greatly resistant to different types of insect plagues, such as aphids, white flies, red spiders or cochineals as well as mold. It is perfect for discrete grows in small gardens, terraces or balconies and for guerrilla crops.

Disadvantages of Growing Autoflowering Marijuana Outdoors

The main disadvantage of growing autoflowering cannabis outdoors in comparison to feminized versions is that their yield capacity is lower. Although their psychoactive activity has been enhanced; to this day, they generally feature less THC content, which means its effects are less powerful but more bearable.

However, they aren’t capable of generating clones because they inherit their age from the mother plant. Therefore, their growth and posterior flowering would be diminished and the yield would lack productivity.

Lastly, these plants shouldn’t be pruned or transplanted, unless it is performed by highly experienced growers. They don’t dispose of enough time to recover from the stress produced by such procedures.

How to Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors

  1. The first step is to germinate the seeds. Either by placing them in a cup of water or by wrapping them in a damp paper towel. Afterwards, plant them into their final flowerpot. Performing different transplants can impair seedling growth and reduce the amount and quality of the final yield.
  2. Regarding the recipient, outdoors, these plants can be grown in a flowerpot with substrate or straight into the ground. Pots must be at least 18 L. The substrate’s composition shall include black peats, hummus, perlite and guano, among others, in order to promote proper growth. Adequate PH and EC levels are very important. Use good quality fertilizers to the irrigation solution. Straight into the ground cultivation facilitates greater vegetative development; plants will need less upkeep and they will survive without needing too many basic cares or added treatment.
  3. While using fertilizers is beneficial, it is important not to exceed the recommended dosage as over-fertilization could diminish the yield. Slow-release fertilizers are more advisable as they promote plants’ feeding autonomy throughout their different life cycles.
  4. As these examples are smaller than their feminized version, they do not require large amounts of water. Watering varies according to the climatic conditions of the growth regions. It is very important to take notice of this in order to avoid water excesses or deficiencies.
  5. Once plants have the nutrients and mediums they need for the growth and flowering phases; it’s time to pay close attention and harvest the yield at the precise moment. In order to obtain best results, it is highly convenient to carefully observe trichomes coloring; they will show amber shades when buds are ready for harvest and their posterior drying and manicuring.

Differences Between Growing in Flower Pots or Straight into the Ground

Growing in flower pots offers the possibility to provide outdoor autoflowering marijuana plants with the most adequate substrate; as sometimes growers aren’t located in geographical regions prone to succeeding in these tasks. Using pre-fertilized substrates provides seeds the perfect doses of micro and macro essential nutrients and facilitates PH and EC monitoring.

It also enables the reallocation and protection of plants to confront plagues, small mammals’ attacks or meteorological phenomena like rains and storms. Overall, flowerpots offer greater growth control; which is very handy when to provide discretion in terraces or balconies.

However, when growing autoflowering cultivars in pots, the grower needs to be especially attentive to water supply; as rain watering is unreliable. Also make sure that plants receive appropriate fertilization. Keeping plants far away from dense areas puts them at risk of theft.

On the opposite side, growing straight into the ground is the most natural way possible to grow marijuana plants. Roots develop freely into the deep ground; promoting very large plants that take full advantage of microbial ground life and other available nutrients. It also needs less fertilizers, therefore, this type of growth method is less economically costly.

Of course, this method also has its disadvantages. Mother Nature is unpredictable. Strong wind, excessive humidity, frosts, hails, rains or storms can easily finish with months of hard work in no time. This is the reason why it is so important to know when is the best moment for starting a grow; taking into account the peculiarities of each region before proceeding with this task.

What Problems can take place when growing marijuana outdoors

Beyond frequent problems that can relate to any marijuana grow; which might be the result of fertilizer dose, substrate inadequacy, lack of daily sunlight or height control methods; growing outdoors has other additional drawbacks like plagues, animal attacks or possible thefts.

Autoflowering strains are less susceptible to insect plagues and mold. In order to protect the grow from animals or prying eyes; it is highly convenient to grow other aromatic plants around them. In the case of guerrilla grows, it is best to choose hard to reach areas.

After explaining the peculiarities, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of autoflowering seeds; it is clear that they are the perfect solution for experienced growers that don’t have too much time available; but also for growers that are only starting off in this noble botanic art.

Thanks to the ongoing investigation, stabilization, and genetic hybridization carried out by most seeds’ banks, finding mythical strains among autoflowering versions is easier than ever. They offer productive, organoleptic and psychoactive properties nearly as good as their feminized versions.

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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