Categories: Recipe

5 Blackhead Peel-Off Masks To Try At Home

Published by
James marcus
Video blackhead peel off mask recipe

Have you noticed how, after you manage to squeeze out one, you find out that you have a few more blackheads to deal with? Blackheads are quite like roaches, aren’t they? Where you find one, you’re bound to find a few more that need your attention. And yes, we’re not going to judge you for being weirdly glued to those DIY blackhead peel-off mask tutorials or those blackhead removal videos on Instagram (we’ve all been there). And while those videos may be fun to watch (for some), nobody wants to actually be the ones on the receiving end. We must do our best to keep our skin healthy and blemish-free, and not get to a state where a dermatologist might just have to intervene.

Fortunately, there are some super-easy recipes for blackhead peel-off masks you can make at home. But before we get to those DIY blackhead peel-off masks, let’s first understand exactly what blackheads are, shall we?

Blackheads are an oxidised mix of oil and dead skin cells that are present in pores and are oxidised when they are exposed to the air and environment. The technical or scientific name for a blackhead is an open comedone (or an acne lesion), and they present in two ways—the open comedones or blackhead, and the closed comedones or whiteheads. Experts believe that blackheads are characterised by a dilated opening of a hair follicle, caused by the build-up of sebum. Further bacterial action and neglect may cause a blackhead to develop into painful acne. However, to prevent them from getting to that stage, all you need is a little TLC to combat this problem.

And when it comes to getting rid of blackheads, or any type of acne for that matter, there are two ways you can go about things: you can DIY at home, or, for more severe or persistent cases of acne, you can see a dermatologist. However, given the current circumstances, a visit to your favourite dermatologist may not be possible. Perhaps, if your condition is not severe, you can resort to trying out one of these blackhead peel-off mask DIYs.

Here are some recipes you can try right now if you do have the ingredients easily available:

Milk And Gelatine Powder MaskEgg White And Lemon Juice MaskHoney And Raw Milk MaskGelatine, Milk And Lemon Juice MaskGreen Tea, Aloe Vera, And Gelatine MaskBlackhead Peel-Off Masks: FAQs

Milk And Gelatine Powder Mask

Did you know that gelatine is a protein that is derived from collagen? While it’s commonly used in desserts, it can also serve as a great home remedy for blackheads. Milk, on the other hand, contains lactic acid, so it can help to brighten the skin and keep it supple.

You Need

• 1 tsp gelatine powder• 1 tsp milk


Mix the ingredients until the gelatine powder dissolves completely. You can also microwave the milk and gelatine for 5 to 10 seconds, or until the gelatine has dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool down before the application. Simply spread the mask on the affected area and let it dry. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes before peeling it off.

Tip: Use this blackhead peel-off mask once a week for flawless, blemish-free, and supple skin. The milk will lend your skin a natural brightness, giving you healthy and nourished-looking skin.

Egg White And Lemon Juice Mask

It’s no secret that eggs are rich in protein, and egg whites are believed to absorb excess oil from the skin while lending the skin a tightening effect. Due to the fact that lemons contain citric acid and vitamin C, they tend to have an astringent effect on the skin, helping to clear away dirt and grime.

What Need

• 1 egg white• Juice of half a lemon• Facial brush


Don’t whisk, but mix the egg white and lemon juice, and ensure it’s well combined. To achieve a more liquid consistency, you may dilute it with a teaspoon of water. Apply the egg and lemon mixture all over your face with a facial brush, being careful to avoid applying the same to your eyebrows and eye area.

Once done, dip a think tissue paper in the egg mixture, and place the same on your face (like a sheet mask). Apply more of the egg mixture (if needed) to the tissue paper with the brush and layer it with another piece of tissue. Make sure the tissue paper pieces stick to the skin. You may need to use two to three layers of tissue paper. Let it dry, and peel the tissue paper off. Wash your face with cool water and follow up the mask with a moisturiser.

Tip: To reap the benefits, you may use this blackhead peel-off mask two to three times a week. However, it is not always safe to apply raw egg on your skin as it may increase your vulnerability to bacteria. However, a patch test is recommended to rule out any allergies.

Honey And Raw Milk Mask

Honey isn’t just a healthy way to sweeten your beverages. It’s famed for its numerous skin benefits. Why? Honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and works great for your DIYs.

You Need

• 1 tbsp honey• 1 tbsp milk


In a bowl, mix the honey and milk, and combine to ensure both ingredients have melted into each other. Next, heat the mixture in the microwave for 5 seconds, or until it thickens. Allow it to cool down, and then apply the paste to the affected area. Let it dry for half an hour, and gently peel off. Rinse your face with tepid water, and pat dry.

Tip: Using this blackhead peel-off mask two to three times a week will ensure you reap the beauty benefits. Moreover, honey works to kill bacteria, and milk will help to naturally brighten the skin. A combination of the two also works as a great way to keep skin hydrated and healthy.

Gelatine, Milk And Lemon Juice Mask

Sometimes, simple goes a long way, and this basic homemade blackhead peel-off mask is a great way to cleanse the pores. Gelatine can help cleanse your skin, while lemon juice has astringent and brightening effects.

You Need

• 3 tbsp gelatine• 1 cup milk cream• 1 tbsp lemon juice


In a bowl, add the gelatine and milk, and combine till the granules dissolve. Next, add in the lemon juice and stir. Once all the ingredients have been combined, warm it in the microwave for a few seconds (three to four), stir to combine the mixture before warming it again for another four to five seconds. Allow it cool down and then apply the mask evenly on your face, with special attention to the affected areas. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, or till it dries and you can feel it tighten on the skin. Peel off the mask, and proceed to rinse your skin with lukewarm water.

Tip: Using this blackhead peel-off mask two to three times a week will ensure your open pores shrink and remain clean.

Green Tea, Aloe Vera, And Gelatine Mask

Now, the consumption of green tea and its many benefits have long since been documented. It’s simple, green tea contains due to the polyphenols. However, while there are no proven benefits to the topical application of green tea, it is believed to offer skin-soothing effects. Aloe vera, on the other hand, has anti-acne properties, and it also helps to improve your skin quality. Is there really any harm in combining the two?

You Need

• 1 tbsp gelatine powder• 2 tbsp aloe vera juice• 1 tbsp freshly brewed green tea


In a medium bowl, mix in the gelatine powder, aloe vera juice, and freshly brewed green tea. Combine well, and heat the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds. Remove from the microwave and mix it again to ensure the gelatine has dissolved. Allow it to cool and turn into a thick paste.

Apply the mixture to your face and let it dry. You can gently peel it off once it sets.

Tip: Use this blackhead peel-off mask recipe two to three times a week for the best results. Aloe vera is a great ingredient for sensitive skin and works to soothe and calm the skin while reducing itchiness and inflammation.

Blackhead Peel-Off Masks: FAQs

Q. What are some of the reasons that result in clogged pores?

Answer: The pores in your skin come in regular contact with sebum, dry or dead skin cells, and dirt in our immediate surroundings. This causes the pores to cling onto impurities, thus resulting in clogging. Cosmetics, and ever clothing can clog pores. Moreover, external factors such as pollution and/or the overuse of cosmetics can also trigger pores to clog. Clogged pores can also be the result of hormonal changes. However, to ensure flawless and blemish-free skin, it is very important to follow a regular skincare routine that includes the basic CTM ritual (and the use of skin-friendly products), as well as indulge in a targeted face mask once a week. This will keep the pores free of clogs and prevent any kind of breakouts.

Q. How can one properly exfoliate the nose?

Answer: It’s no secret that the nose is perhaps the part of the face that’s the most susceptible to blackheads. To correctly exfoliate the nose, you first need to wash your face with lukewarm water, and pat it dries with a towel. Use a scrub made of water and baking soda, or sugar and olive oil to exfoliate the area. Don’t rub aggressively, but rub in gentle, circular motions. Wash it off and apply a light moisturiser so that your skin is not dry afterwards.

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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