Categories: Recipe

Bleach Bath Hair Treatment – Everything you need to know

Published by
James marcus
Video bleach bath hair

Consider taking a bleach bath if you want to lighten your hair without the harsh effects of traditional bleaching. This hair treatment is a great way to lighten your locks without damaging them. In recent years, bleach baths, also known as bleach washing, have gained popularity as a hair-lightening method. Lightening hair with this treatment is gentler than traditional bleaching, and it can be effective in lightening hair by a few shades. You will learn everything you need to know about bleach bathing. That includes how and when to do it, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

If I have to be honest, I didn’t know about the bleach wash until 2020. The hair of my BFF Emma has always been gorgeous, but one day I noticed it looked even better.

That’s when Emma spilled the tea about her secret weapon – the bleach bath. At first, I thought she was crazy. I mean, bleach on your hair? That’s a disaster waiting to happen, isn’t it? However, she explained that it’s a gentler method to lighten hair without damaging it.

My first impression was skepticism, but once I saw the results, I was hooked. A gorgeous sunset-color hairstyle is a dream come true for anyone, right? After trying it myself, I must say I have never felt more like a goddess.

Author’s note: 🙏 Thanks, Emma, for showing me the light (literally)!

What is a Bleach Bath Hair Treatment?

The bleach bath (or bleach wash) is a hair-lightening technique that uses a mixture of bleach powder or cream, developer, and shampoo applied to wet hair. The process is gentler than traditional bleaching, making it ideal for those who want to gradually lighten their hair.

When you do a bleach wash, you mix the ingredients, apply it to wet hair, allow it to air dry, and rinse it off. You should, however, be careful when using bleach, as incorrect use can still damage your hair. So, taking a bleach bath might be just the thing you need if you need to lighten your hair gently and effectively. Just make sure to follow the instructions and take good care of your hair afterward.

Some examples:

When to Do a Bleach Bath on Your Hair?

Various hair concerns can be addressed with bleach baths. You can use it to achieve a mild lightening effect, regardless of whether your hair is over-toned, over-processed, or a stubborn color that won’t go away. Whenever you want to lighten or refresh your hair, you should take a bleach wash.

  • Refresh your blonde hair: If your blonde hair is looking dull and lifeless, a bleach wash can add brightness and revive your hair.

  • Over-toned hair: When your hair has been toned too much, a bleach bath can remove the excess toner and restore your hair’s natural color.

  • Mild lightening: When you want to lighten your hair just a few shades, a bleach washing is a gentler alternative to traditional bleaching.

  • Over-processed hair: If your hair has been damaged by previous bleaching or chemical treatments, a bleach wash can soften the lightening effect and minimize further damage.

  • Stubborn color: If you want to get rid of a stubborn color that doesn’t come off with regular shampooing, a bleach bath can help remove it.

How to Do a Bleach Bath?

We’ll talk about a few things you need to remember before starting your bleach bath journey to lighter locks. Firstly, it’s always a good idea to do a strand test to make sure your final outcome will satisfy you. Not only that, but you’ll also asure that you don’t have any allergic reaction. As I mentioned in my article “Best safe hair dyes for allergy sufferers”, that is a really important step. Secondly, don’t forget to prepare everything you will need – bleach powder, developer, shampoo, gloves, and a bowl.

Using bleach too often or incorrectly can damage your hair, so make sure you take good care of it before and after the bleach bath. For a few days, give your hair a break from heat styling tools and use a great shampoo and conditioner.

What, you will need:

  • Gloves

  • Wide-tooth comb

  • Old towel or cloth

  • Clarifying shampoo

  • Plastic bowl

  • Tint brush

  • Hair clips or claw clip

  • Shower cap or cling wrap

  • Developer of your choice

  • Bleaching powder or cream

The bleach bath hair recipe:

  • Use equal parts bleach and developer for the bleach wash ratio (use a developer with a low volume for a softer lightening effect).

  • Add the bleach and developer mix to your clarifying shampoo.

  • Mix thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and consistent.

Pro Tip: You can add a few drops of deep conditioner to the bleach bath recipe to minimize damage to fragile hair.

The Process:

  1. Do an allergy test 24 hours before the actual bleaching process.

  2. Shampoo your hair with clarifying shampoo and towel dry it.

  3. Section your hair and clip it up.

  4. Apply the bleach mixture to your hair with a tint brush, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots.

  5. Cover your hair with a shower cap or cling wrap and leave the mixture on for 10 to 20 minutes.

  6. Check the color of your hair every 5 minutes to avoid over-lightening.

  7. Rinse your hair with warm water until the water runs clear.

  8. Shampoo and condition your hair with a toning shampoo to remove any yellow tones.

Pro Tip: Use a wide-tooth comb to spread the mixture evenly.

Short video, you might find helpful

Why Should You Do Bleach Bath Hair Treatment?

A bleach bath is a fantastic way to gradually lighten your hair without causing any damage. That’s right, you don’t have to sacrifice the health of your hair for a brighter look. In fact, it’s also a great option to freshen up your blonde hair, remove stubborn colors, and fix over-toned or over-processed hair. Plus, it’s a gentler alternative to traditional bleaching methods – which is a win-win!

So, if you’re looking to change up your hair color without harming your strands, a bleach wash might just be the way to go.

Bleach Bath vs. Traditional Bleaching

Bleach bath is different from regular bleach process in various ways. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two methods.

Differences Regular Bleaching Bleach Bath Formula Bleach powder mixed with a developer Bleach powder or cream mixed with clarifying shampoo and developer Lifting Power High Soft Application Applied to dry hair Applied to wet hair Process Time Longer Shorter Level of Hydrogen Peroxide Higher Lower

As you can see, bleach wash has a softer lifting power than traditional bleaching. It is also applied to wet hair, which makes it gentler on hair strands. The process time is shorter, and the level of hydrogen peroxide is lower, making it a better option for those with fragile hair.

Benefits of Bleach Wash

This superhero of hair lightening techniques won’t leave your hair feeling like a pile of hay. Plus, it allows for a gradual lightening effect so you can ease your way into your desired shade without committing to the full-blown Marilyn Monroe look in one go.Bleach bathing is also the ultimate weapon for removing stubborn hair color. It’s like a magic eraser for your hair, wiping away the remnants of your past hair color sins. Whether you want to try a new hair color or just get rid of that orange disaster you regretted the moment you left the salon, bleach bathing is here to save the day.

How to Care for Hair After Bleach Bath

Alrighty, let’s talk about how to keep your bleached hair looking fabulous. We all know bleach can do some damage to our precious locks, so it’s important to give your hair some extra TLC post-bleach. Most of the things that are reccomended for bleached hair are also reccomended for damaged hair. So if you want to get into more details, you can check my artice “How to prevent hair loss” Here are some tips:

  • Deep condition like it’s your job: You know how you love a good face mask? Your hair needs that same love, babe. Use a deep conditioner at least once a week to keep your hair moisturized and happy. Trust me, your hair will thank you.

  • Say no to heat: Your hair is already feeling a little sensitive after a bleach bath, so let’s not make it worse by blasting it with hot tools. If you really need to use heat, make sure you use a heat protectant spray and turn the heat setting down low.

  • Don’t wash your hair every day: Listen, I know it’s tempting to wash your hair every day to keep it looking fresh, but it’s not good for your hair. Try to wash your hair every other day or every few days to give your hair a chance to rest and recover.

  • Use a wide-tooth comb: After a bleach wash, your hair can be a hot mess. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair gently, starting at the ends and working your way up. You don’t want to break or damage your hair, so be gentle!

  • Protect your hair from the sun: Just like how you protect your skin from the sun, you gotta protect your hair too! Wear a cute hat or use a hair product with SPF to keep your hair from getting fried.

Pros & Cons of Bleach Bath

✅ Pros:

  • It is a gentle way to lighten your hair.

  • It can be used to remove stubborn hair dye.

  • It is a more affordable option than traditional bleaching.

  • It can make hair more manageable.

  • It can help to remove product buildup and clarify the hair.

⛔️ Cons:

  • It may not lighten hair as much as traditional bleaching.

  • It can be time-consuming to do at home.

  • It may not be suitable for very damaged hair.

People also ask

Do you put a bleach bath on wet or dry hair?

Short Answer: 💦 Wet hair

You should put a bleach bath on wet hair, as it helps to ensure even distribution of the product and prevent patchiness.

Is a bleach bath better for your hair?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

A bleach wash can be better for your hair than traditional bleaching because it is less harsh and damaging. The mixture is more diluted, and the shorter processing time means less exposure to the chemicals.

What is the formula for bleach bath?

Short Answer: 🥣 Bleach, Developer, Shampoo & Conditioner (Optional)

The formula for a bleach bath typically involves mixing equal parts developer and bleach powder or cream, along with clarifying shampoo and conditioner.

What shampoo to use for bleach bath?

Short Answer: 🧴 Clarifying

It is recommended to use a clarifying shampoo for a bleach bath, as it helps to remove any buildup on the hair and allow the bleach to penetrate more evenly.

How do hairdressers do a bleach bath?

Short Answer: 🎓 By using special products and techniques

Hairdressers typically mix the bleach bath formula in a bowl and then apply it to the hair in sections, starting at the ends and working their way up to the roots. They may also use foils to separate and isolate sections of the hair for more precise application.

Will a bleach bath get rid of orange hair?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

A bleach bath can help to remove some of the orange tones from hair that has been previously dyed or lightened, but it may not completely eliminate them. It is always best to consult with a professional colorist for advice on how to achieve your desired results.

Will a bleach bath lighten my hair?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

Yes, a bleach bath will lighten your hair. However, the degree of lightening will depend on various factors, such as the current color of your hair, the condition of your hair, the strength of the bleach solution, and the duration of the bleach bath. Bleach baths are a gentler alternative to traditional bleaching, which can be harsh on hair and cause damage. If you’re looking for a subtle lightening effect, a bleach bath may be a good option for you.

Is a bleach bath safe for my hair?

Short Answer: ✅ It’s generally safe

Bleach baths are generally safe for hair when done properly. However, it’s important to keep in mind that bleach is a powerful and aggressive substance that can cause damage to hair if used incorrectly. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully, use the correct proportions of ingredients, and always wear gloves when handling bleach. Additionally, it’s a good idea to do a patch test before applying the bleach bath to your entire head of hair to ensure that you don’t have an adverse reaction to the bleach.

How many levels does a bleach bath lift?

Short Answer: 2️⃣ Up to 2 levels

A bleach bath can lift hair color by one to two levels. This is typically not as significant as the lightening achieved through traditional bleaching. However, a bleach bath is a gentler option that can be effective for those looking to achieve a subtle lightening effect.

Do I need regular bleach or a bleach bath?

Short Answer: ⚖️ It depends on your desired outcome

Whether you need regular bleach or a bleach bath depends on your hair color and the degree of lightening you’re trying to achieve. Regular bleach is typically used for more dramatic lightening effects, while a bleach bath is a gentler option for those looking for a more subtle effect. If you have fragile or damaged hair, a bleach bath may be a better option for you.

Can a bleach bath lighten dark hair?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

Yes, a bleach bath can lighten dark hair. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the degree of lightening will depend on various factors, such as the current color of your hair, the condition of your hair, the strength of the bleach solution, and the duration of the bleach bath. Additionally, it’s important to note that bleaching dark hair can be a more challenging process and may require multiple applications to achieve the desired lightening effect.

Should I apply bleach to wet or dry hair?

Short Answer: 💦 Wet hair

For a bleach bath, it’s best to apply the bleach to damp hair. Wetting your hair prior to applying the bleach will help to ensure even application and prevent the bleach from drying out too quickly. However, for traditional bleaching, it’s typically recommended to apply the bleach to dry hair.

Will a bleach bath fix orange or yellow hair?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

Yes, a bleach bath can help to fix orange or yellow hair by neutralizing brassy tones. The bleach solution can help to remove excess pigments from the hair, resulting in a more neutral, natural-looking color. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the degree of color correction will depend on various factors, such as the current color of your hair and the strength of the bleach solution.

Can I mix bleach with purple shampoo?

Short Answer: 👎 No

No, you should not mix bleach with purple shampoo. Purple shampoo is typically used to neutralize yellow or brassy tones in blonde hair, while bleach is used to lighten hair. Mixing the two can cause an unpredictable reaction and may result in damage to your hair.

Can a bleach bath fix over-toned hair?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

Yes, a bleach bath can help to fix over-toned hair by removing excess pigments from the hair. This can help to neutralize brassy or yellow tones and achieve a more natural-looking color. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a bleach bath is a powerful treatment that should be used with caution, particularly on fragile or damaged hair.

Can you bleach bath hair at home?

Short Answer: 👍 Yes

Yes, you can do a bleach bath at home. However, it’s important to note that bleach can be a harsh and aggressive substance, so it’s crucial to follow the instructions carefully and take all necessary precautions to avoid damaging your hair or scalp. If you’re not confident in your ability to do it at home, it’s best to seek the help of a professional hair stylist.

When doing a bleach bath at home, make sure to have all the necessary materials and follow the recipe and process carefully. It’s also important to do a patch test beforehand to check for any allergic reactions.


In conclusion, a bleach bath is a great option for those looking for a softer lightening or to remove stubborn color from their hair. While it can be done at home, it’s important to take all necessary precautions and follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your hair or scalp. If in doubt, seek the help of a professional hair stylist.


The article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The information provided in this article is based on general knowledge about the process of bleach bath. This hair treatment requires careful application and can potentially cause damage to your hair and scalp if not done correctly. If you are not sure about how to properly conduct a bleach bath, it is highly recommended that you consult a professional hair stylist.

This post was last modified on 20/10/2023 18:01

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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