Categories: Recipe

My Anthropologie-Inspired Diffuser Recipes

Published by
James marcus

I just wanted my house to smell like Anthropologie.

If you want your house to smell like Anthropologie (who doesn’t love that Volcano candle?), too, read on!

As you probably know, I’ve always been so in love with the scent of the Anthropologie stores. For years I’d walk into the store and take a deep breath. Ahhh, it was like heaven to me! It smelled exactly like I wanted my home to smell, so quite a few years back I started buying the candles and lit them almost every day. It was pure bliss.

A couple of years ago I decided to stop burning scented candles in my home (and stopped buying scented products as well) because of the correlation between toxins and various health issues. I just didn’t want to take that risk any more. Womp, womp, womp.

Even though I was so glad I made that change (ridding my home of synthetic and scented products has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my health) I’ll admit I missed having such a divine smelling house.

I started experimenting with using essential oils to recreate the scents I used to love so much. My first attempts at the Anthro-inspired scents were good, but not close enough!

The Desert Mist Diffuser – it can flicker like a candle!

Finally my girls and I came up with a couple of essential oils diffuser recipes that we tested right next to our old Anthro Volcano candle and a Sweet Vanilla Cinnamon candle, two of our very favorites! Our oil recipes are sooo close to the real deal! Woot!

My senses have been very happy ever ‘scents’. :). I actually don’t miss the scent of candles at all. In fact, now I PREFER natural plant-based scents! And I love the way they make me feel, too. So much healthier!

I’ve shared our own exclusive Anthro diffuser recipes with our wellness group for my Young Living customers, but today I’m posting them for y’all to enjoy!

I gathered all of the oils into a handy “wishlist” for you linked below. Feel free to add or subtract anything from the list! When you check out make sure my referral number (3731456) is there so you can get into my group for even more fun recipes!Click here for all the Volcano OilsClick here for all the Sweet Vanilla Cinnamon Oils

The Aria Diffuser – real wood + glass, a remote, pretty light settings and can play spa music!


Anthropologie describes their Volcano scent as smelling of tropical fruits, sugared oranges, lemons, and limes, redolent with lightly exotic mountain greens. That sounds heavenly, yes? It is.

This is the recipe we used in the Desert Mist diffuser (one of the starter kit diffuser options). It’s a lot of drops, but the Anthropologie candle is always a strong scent so if you want a more subtle effect or have a very small room, you can adjust to your preferences!

  • 5 drops lemon
  • 5 drops lime
  • 3 drops orange
  • 2 drops grapefruit
  • 2 drops northern lights black spruce
  • 1 drop bergamot

Click here to get the Volcano Oils


  • 3 drops Vanilla
  • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark
  • 1 drop Nutmeg(Try more drops of each in a larger space or for stronger scent)

Click here to get the Sweet Vanilla Cinnamon Oils

Having a Young Living account gives you access to everything you need to make significant strides in a healthier home! You can get 24% off everything (hundreds of oils, diffusers, supplements, and more!), no starter kit required. Details here. There’s no better way to start and no better oils on the planet! The oils you find at the grocery store or on Amazon are not the same. For the health of your family, you want these oils because they are actually made from plants, not compromised with toxic fillers or synthetic ingredients.

My family uses our oils every day for SO many things…for sleeping well, to make our home smell like a dream (naturally), for emotional support, for better skin, to support our immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, to clean, to help us focus, for calm during times of stress, for soothing sore things, to balance hormones, to help us enjoy the outdoors in springtime…and SO much more.

Once you get your account set up, you’ll also be invited into my free private educational group called The Dwell Well Collective where we have fun, learn together and swap recipes! I can’t wait for you to join us.

When you get your oils drop your essential oils in your diffuser and take a photo! Post it online with our hashtag #dwellwellcollective so we can see. I bet everyone who enters your home will say, GEE, YOUR HOUSE SMELLS TERRIFIC! (anyone know what that line is inspired from? LOL).

Have a happy day, friends!

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This post was last modified on 07/11/2023 18:57

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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