Categories: Kitchens

How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Published by
James marcus

Cleaning supplies don’t always need to be pricey. Sometimes, what you have in your cupboards can be enough to wipe the grease from kitchen cabinets. Grease tends to build up over time on different surfaces around the kitchen the more that you cook, especially on the cabinets above the stove. If you don’t have commercial cleaners or can’t go to the store to get cleaning materials, an alternative solution would be baking soda and vinegar.

So how can kitchen cabinets be cleaned using vinegar and baking soda? The process includes a few simple steps. You will need to mix the vinegar with warm water then spray it onto your grimy cabinets. Then brush and wipe it with baking soda in circular motions. Repeat this cycle as many times as you feel the need to, depending on how dirty your cabinets are. Don’t forget to wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

Cleaning Your Kitchen Cabinets With Vinegar And Baking Soda

Baking soda is handy not just for making delicious delicacies but also for cleaning. Similar to vinegar, it’s typically a harsh substance. Baking soda is a base that can dissolve various organic compounds such as dirt and, especially, grease. Should you have a surface in your home that’s sticky from a spilled soft drink or juice, using baking soda to clean it will also be helpful for you. It isn’t very abrasive, making it ideal if you have wood kitchen cabinets.


Although white vinegar and regular vinegar may have their differences, what you have at home may be your best option. They are both acidic and great for taking the grease off kitchen cabinets and even other surfaces around the kitchen as well. The acidic nature of vinegar breaks down the organic compounds that leave stains in counters, tubs, and sinks. When mixed with baking soda, they make the perfect deep-seated dirt buster.


There are going to be spots on your greasy cabinet that will be difficult to remove. Maybe it’s a stain that’s been there for some time or it’s a particularly sticky grease. In either case, a toothbrush will come in handy to help you scrub the stain away. If you have glass-fronted cabinet doors, using a toothbrush will help you clean the frame effectively. If you have a nylon-bristle scrub brush, that would also benefit you.

Other Tools You’ll Need

First, you must have any bowl or small basin, as you’ll be using this to mix the baking soda, vinegar, and water. Add warm, clean water to the vinegar and baking soda to turn it into a good cleaning solution. It’s also good to have plain water that can help dilute the vinegar and baking soda, lessening the potential for any damage on the surface of your greasy kitchen cabinets. Lastly, put your solution in any spray bottle. Don’t forget to wipe the surface clean with another piece of dry cloth. Ideally, a microfiber cloth is used because they tend to be more thorough when wiping surfaces. A piece of soft microfiber cloth is ideal for not leaving any scuff marks as you wipe and clean your cabinets.

Optional Tools: Gloves, Vegetable Oil, and Chair/Step Ladder

You can use gloves, vegetable oil, and a chair or a step ladder too. Gloves can come in handy even though vinegar and baking soda aren’t dangerously acidic. Using rubber gloves will keep your hands clean and prevent any unnecessary dirt and liquids coming in contact with your skin. If you have wooden cabinets, the mixture of two parts baking soda and vegetable oil will be gentle on its surface. If your cabinets are difficult to reach for you, it would be advisable to use a stool or any stepping ladder. It’s important to wipe your entire cabinet doors or else you’ll end up with an uneven look for your cabinet.

Before Cleaning

To help you move around and clean effectively, it would be best to work without any objects in your way. That means setting aside any glasses, cups, tupperware, utensils – anything inside your kitchen cabinet (if you intend on cleaning the interior as well). Use a dry cloth or paper towels to wipe away any remaining dust or food stains that may have found its way onto and inside your cabinets. This will give the diluted vinegar and baking soda an even and smooth surface to work on.

Cleaning Process

Mix one cup of vinegar with a cup of water in the bowl or basin. You can use the end of the toothbrush or a spoon to mix it well. Once mixed, pour it into the spray bottle.

Before spraying your mixed solution, you can test it out on a small area of the cabinet first. Spray a small amount and use the toothbrush to mix baking soda on it. This will let you know if the solution is effective or if you might need to remix your solution.

Once you’re confident in your mix, use the spray to apply a gentle mist on cabinets and handles. After spraying, leave it there for a minute or two, then spray it again. This will give the vinegar time to set on the grease.

Spray the water solution onto the cabinets one more time before scrubbing. You can pour baking soda onto a dry bowl or directly onto the toothbrush or use the microfiber cloth. Mixing the baking soda and vinegar should give you what may look like soapy water.

Scrub the grease stains in circular motions. Continue spraying then scrubbing technique to effectively get rid of the kitchen cabinet grease. You will need to apply the baking soda on the still damp and wet surface to maximize its efficacy.

Pay extra attention to any corners or ridges that your cabinets’ design may have. Often you will encounter a stubborn stain that just won’t get off. There’s no need to stress about it. For this tough grease, give it another spray with the solution of vinegar and scrub with the baking soda. You can try applying more pressure on the stubborn grease stains that refuse to go.

If you have wood cabinets, mix two parts baking soda and one part vegetable oil in a bowl to make a gentle paste for its surface. If you have laminate cabinets, the microfiber cloth may be your best option to clean it as it is more gentle.

After Cleaning

Use a damp cloth or dry microfiber cloth to wipe the cabinets dry from any soap residue from the baking soda scrubs. If you can, use a fan. Wooden kitchen cabinets need to dry evenly or it might get damaged from the liquids used on it. If you’re still spotting stains, you can repeat the process until it’s finally gone.

Order Easy-Clean, Scratch Resistant Kitchen Cabinets at Zothex Flooring

If you are still unhappy with the way your kitchen cabinets look, you can contact us for custom cabinet solutions. Style your kitchen with exquisitely designed cabinets from Zothex Flooring. Choose from a variety of premium features with our wood cabinets such as soft closing doors and European style hinges.

The best part? We’ll guide you for FREE. You don’t need to worry if you still feel unsure about what you want your kitchen design to be. We provide you with more than just new kitchen cabinets; we strive to be your partner in choosing the best options for your home.

If you want easy-to-clean cabinets in your home, get in touch with us on our website to set your appointment with our experienced designers.

Learn More: How to Remove Different Types of Kitchen Cabinet Drawers

This post was last modified on 13/10/2023 07:03

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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