Categories: Recipe

How to Make Slime With Glitter Glue

Published by
James marcus
Video elmer’s glitter glue slime recipe

Can you make slime with glitter glue? You betcha! And it makes for a super quick, 2 ingredient slime recipe that you can whip up in a snap. Where’s my glitter glue fans? Our Elmer’s Glitter Glue Slime is perfectly stretchy and lasts for days. When it comes to making slime, the sky is the limit with themes and colors. Let us show you how to get started making your glitter glue slime today!



Kids love to make glitter slime, cool theme slimes, and favorite color slimes! Our glitter glue slime is all the best slime ingredients in one bottle because the glitter and the color are already provided.

Slime making is a serious matter with kids, and I know everyone is looking for the best slime recipes around. Our Glitter Glue Slime Recipe is yet another AMAZING slime recipe we can show you how to make!

Oh and slime is science too, so don’t miss the great information on science behind this easy slime below. Watch my start to finish video and see a slime fail too (we used pink glitter glue but you can substitute for blue too)!



We always like to include a bit of homemade slime science around here, and that’s perfect for STEM which is science, technology, engineering, art, and math. We have a brand new series out on NGSS science standards, so you can read how this will fit in nicely too!

Slime really does make for an excellent chemistry demonstration and kids love it too! Mixtures, substances, polymers, cross linking, states of matter, elasticity, and viscosity are just a few of the science concepts that can be explored with homemade slime!

What’s the science behind the slime? The borate ions in the slime activators (sodium borate, borax powder, or boric acid) mix with the PVA (polyvinyl-acetate) glue and forms this cool stretchy substance. This is called cross linking!

The glue is a polymer and is made up of long, repeating, and identical strands or molecules. These molecules with flow past one another keeping the glue in a liquid state. Until…

When you add the borate ions to the mixture, it starts to connect these long strands together. They begin to tangle and mix until the substance is less like the liquid you started with, and thick and stretchy like slime! That makes slime a polymer.

Picture the difference between wet spaghetti and leftover spaghetti the next day. As the slime forms the tangled molecule strands are much like the clump of spaghetti!

Is slime a liquid or solid? We call it a Non-newtonian fluid because it’s a little bit of both!

Printable Ultimate Slime Recipe Bundle


Elmers Glitter Glue slime is super easy to make and the best part is that the color and glitter are already provided for you! You can always add more glitter, but if you are looking for mess free slime making, with as few extra ingredients as possible, this recipe is perfect. Of course there is always going to be some mess with slime!

You absolutely can buy these in other colors like our pretty pink slime or our black and orange slime. Additionally, you can make this easy slime recipe with clear glue, food coloring and glitter!

The base for this slime uses one of our most basic slime recipes, just two ingredients which are glitter glue and liquid starch. Now if you don’t want to use liquid starch, you can absolutely test out one of our other basic recipes using saline solution or borax powder.


If things get a little messy, check out our easy way to get slime out of clothes!


  • 1 Bottle of Elmer’s Washable Glitter Glue (any color)
  • 1/8-1/4 cup of Liquid Starch such as Lin it or Sta Flo Brand (Note: We use Lin it brand in our video and use about an 1/8 of a cup. Sta-flo brand may require a bit more!)

TIP : You can also use this same recipe with the Elmer’s Glow In The Dark Glue too!


STEP 1: Start by adding your glitter glue to a bowl and grab a mixing utensil.

One bottle makes one nice sized batch of slime. Use 3 colors and swirl together for a galaxy slime, unicorn slime, or a mermaid slime theme.

Unicorn Slime
Mermaid Slime

STEP 2: Start adding up to 1/8 cup of liquid starch and stir well until slime consistency forms.

TIP 1: Add the liquid starch slowly. For a single batch of slime 1/8 to 1/4 cup does the trick (depending on brand), but if you think it’s still too sticky, continue to add a few drops at a time until you find the consistency you want. If you add too much liquid starch your slime will become stiff and rubbery. You can always add, but you can’t take away.

TIP 2: We always recommend kneading your slime well after mixing. Kneading the slime really helps to improve it’s consistency. Slime needs to be kneaded 🙂

You will love how easy and stretchy this glitter glue slime recipe is to make, and play with too!

SLIME TIP 3: To get the best stretch, pull your slime slowly. Pull too hard and your slime breaks fast! Many times this is why people don’t consider their slime stretchy enough.


Check out some of our favorite slime recipes…

Edible Slime Recipes
Borax Slime
Clear Slime
Crunchy Slime
Flubber Recipe
Extreme Glitter Slime

Check out our BEST & COOLEST slime recipes by clicking on the photo below!

This post was last modified on 27/10/2023 20:43

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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