Garden news

Tomato Sweetening Tips: What’s The Secret To Sweet Tomatoes

Tomatoes are likely the most commonly grown home garden crop. Maybe it’s because of the sheer variety available or maybe…

11 months ago

Pushing The Line – A Theoretical Approach to Raking a Karesansui Garden

One cold, rainy day last December, I visited the Nezu Museum in central Tokyo with Martin McKellar, and, after enjoying…

11 months ago

Composting With Coffee Grounds – Used Coffee Grounds For Gardening

Whether you make your cup of coffee daily or you have noticed your local coffee house has started to put…

11 months ago

‘Paradise Lost’: How The Apple Became The Forbidden Fruit

This month marks 350 years since John Milton sold his publisher the copyright of Paradise Lost for the sum of…

11 months ago


by Molly Lautamo NOTE: If you are not willing to pack your trash all the way back to your car,…

11 months ago

What is a Garden Cloche? (3 Ways To Use Them)

Are you wondering what a garden cloche is, and what it is used for? If so, you’re not alone. I’ll…

11 months ago

Beautiful Bamboo: Sustainable, Strong, and Stylish

Bamboo products are not new to the garden scene. Bamboo poles and bamboo canes have long been favored by the…

11 months ago

The Golden Apples of the Hesperides | The Gardens Trust

Greek myths are eternally popular, so after a recent post on the story behind aquilegias today I’m turning my attention…

11 months ago

Preparing the Garden for Winter in the Fall

Putting your garden to bed for the winter is very valuable. It can save you time, energy, and equipment come…

11 months ago

Olive Garden Logo

Olive Garden Logo PNGThe Olive Garden logo looks hospitable and evokes light fragrant olive oil, pasta, and other Italian dishes.…

11 months ago