Categories: Kitchens

An Expert Guide On: How Much Value Does a Kitchen Add to Your Home?

Published by
James marcus

The kitchen is generally the heart of a home, with an open-plan kitchen/diner providing everything from a dinner table to the place where kids do their homework.

It stands to reason, then, that this is the room buyers will often focus on. For prospective buyers viewing your home, first impressions count. An attractive, light and airy, sociable kitchen is essential and is likely to help towards securing a sale.

Property Centre Guide on Increasing Property Value up to 10% by Adding a New Kitchen

Of course, the actual value-added will depend on the cost of the work and the state of the existing kitchen, but presenting prospective buyers with a beautiful, up-to-date kitchen, means they won’t have to think about the added costs of remodelling it themselves. This could therefore help in securing the sale as well as add to its value.

Be careful not to overspend

Be sure not to overspend on updating your kitchen, though. If your existing kitchen is very old, worn or out of date, then a brand-new kitchen should add to your home’s value. However, if your existing kitchen is already clean and neutral, then spending a lot on replacing it may not actually increase your home’s value at all. Speak to your one of our local valuers to get an accurate valuation of your home now, as well as an idea of what it could be worth after updating your kitchen.Very often, kitchen renovations can be carried out for a modest investment. Small changes such as repainting or replacing unit doors or just the worktops can have a huge impact. Updates such as new tiles and better lighting can also give a fresh look to your kitchen.

Image from Daily Mail Online

Spending on your kitchen should be proportional to the value of your home. If your home is worth £75,000 and you choose to spend £20,000 on a kitchen refit, it’s very unlikely that you’ll recoup that money in added value. Budget anything up to 8% of your home’s value for a complete kitchen renovation. In addition, there is likely to come a point where improvements will fail to add any extra value to your property. It’s worth talking the options through with one of our offices to understand your home’s particular threshold.

A new kitchen may seem like a lot of work and money, but when an increase of up to 10% in the value is possible, it can be a good move, especially if you don’t think of the house you currently live in as your ‘forever home’.

Ways to improve your kitchen

  • Before you begin designing your new kitchen, consider the style and age of your property and ensure your new kitchen is in keeping with the rest of your home. A rule of thumb is to keep it simple, stylish and clean looking.

  • Focus on creating an attractive and efficient space by ensuring quick and easy access between the sink, fridge and cooker (known as the kitchen triangle).
  • Improve kitchen storage where you can and make sure there is adequate under-unit lighting, which gives a sense of space.
  • Ensure the floors are well fitted and the kitchen is decorated in colours that look clean and are easy to maintain.

  • Get your lighting right. Choosing the right lights can transform an ordinary kitchen into the truly special, and now that our kitchens are increasingly performing on a multifunctional level, the lighting needs to cater for cooking, office or homework, dining, entertaining and even relaxing. A mixture of task lighting, background lighting and accent lighting is best.
  • Incorporating a piece of freestanding furniture like an island or breakfast bar can give some individuality to your kitchen.

  • Matching modern appliances are invaluable in making your kitchen look polished and well put together. Co-ordinated appliances can help to create an elegant and streamlined look.
  • Tired walls can bring down the rest of your kitchen, so consider repainting to freshen it up, choosing a colour that complements your cabinets.

  • Updating the worktops will give your kitchen an instant facelift. The options are available in a huge range of different colours and styles. You could also consider choosing a different material for an island worktop than the rest of the kitchen to create more of a focal point.

  • Choosing a hard-wearing yet aesthetically appealing sink is an important aspect of kitchen design. A stone or copper sink might be a little pricier than standard steel or ceramic, but it could be the stand-out feature that makes all the difference.

DIY or professional

If all you plan on doing is painting the cupboard doors or adding new handles, then DIY may be the best route to take. However, bad workmanship can actually have a damaging effect on the value of your home so if your vision involves complex restructuring, like putting in new floors and surfaces or knocking through walls, be sure to enlist a professional kitchen-fitter or even a builder.

If you’re planning to add value to your home with an updated kitchen, remember to focus on the projects that will make the most impact and choose improvements that suit your home.For an up-to-date valuation of your home, request a market appraisal from our expert team.

This post was last modified on 22/10/2023 04:40

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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