Categories: Kitchens

Maid in Oahu Blog

Published by
James marcus
Video how to clean drawers

Wooden furniture gives a warm and natural look to every room. However, if neglected, it can change its color, start to smell, and even deteriorate. To prevent this, people in Kailua usually hire a maid service to keep their wooden furniture clean.

With drawers, there is a different issue because they’re often exposed to humidity and excessive heat. This makes the material rot and decay. But this can be averted with a few simple tricks. If you want to learn how to get the proper care for your wooden drawers, read on!

What do you clean drawers with?

One thing you must remember when cleaning any type of wooden furniture is that you should avoid bleach at all costs. As a matter of fact, most commercial cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to wood.

Switching to green products is always the safer choice. These are strong enough to remove sticky grease and stains from any surface but are good for the environment and your health. Aside from a wood cleaning product, you’ll also need a hard-bristled brush if the material is grained and some type of mineral oil for the final touch.

How do you clean dirty wood drawers?

Drawers, just like the interior of any geometrical furniture, have tricky nooks and crannies that are hard to reach. Corners, the back panel, and the underside are often overlooked. Here’s how you can thoroughly clean your drawers, inside and out:

1. Vacuum the insides after emptying them

Not only does this extract the hidden dust from the corners and creases, but it also makes your job easier. The vacuum cleaner picks up 90% of the dust, and all you need to do afterward is wipe the surface with a damp cloth. A handheld vacuum cleaner is also good for this step, as it’s light and portable.

2. Don’t oversaturate the wood

One of the most common cleaning mistakes is using too much product. And while this has no major consequences for most materials, wood is highly absorbent. Excess moisture can cause the wood to bloat and rot. That being said, avoid spilling any liquid and wipe it as soon as it occurs.

3. Use a brush for grained wood

If the wood is grained, it requires more effort to maintain its health and shine. A microfiber cloth can remove dirt and grime from the surface, but it’s best to use a hard-bristled brush and clean in the direction of the grain. This removes all the hard-to-reach filth and leaves your wooden drawers looking as good as new.

4. Polish the exterior with mineral oil or beeswax

Since wood is a natural material, it’s only fair to restore its shine the natural way. A drop or two of mineral oil goes a long way, and it makes the wood smell nice. Alternatively, you can apply a small amount of beeswax and buff it in.

5. Remove bad odor with baking soda

If you’ve noticed that your wooden drawers have a foul smell even after cleaning them, sprinkle baking soda. Leave it there for a few hours or days until it neutralizes the smell. Afterward, you can vacuum the baking soda with a handheld vacuum cleaner.

Where in Kailua can I find a reliable maid service?

Having flawless wooden furniture is a beautiful sight, but it requires a lot of maintenance and hard work. And if you don’t have enough time to do it yourself, you can always call Maid in Oahu! The cleaners we work with know all about wood types and the best ways to clean them.

They come equipped with the right tools and skills to make any wooden surface in your home in Kailua shine. Instead of worrying about smelly drawers, have a relaxing day off at the Lanikai Beach and leave the cleaning to us. Contact us today!

This post was last modified on 10/10/2023 07:37

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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