Categories: Kitchens

Is It a Good Idea to Paint Kitchen Cabinets? (Pros/Cons)

Published by
James marcus



Let’s start out with the most obvious benefit of painting over replacing – the costs. Painting costs a lot less than buying new cabinets and having them installed. If you need to make an economical choice, painting is the way to go.

More Money to Spend Elsewhere

Even if you are not forced into making the most economical decision, painting is still an attractive option because it gives you more money to spend elsewhere. New cabinets plus installation can cost almost half of your kitchen renovation budget. Cutting the costs there will allow you to do more things in your remodeling project, such as upgrade your flooring or countertops or get those high-end appliances you really want.

Like-New Look

You may look at your old cabinets and think it would take a miracle to make them better. Paint just may be that miracle you are looking for! When done correctly, painted cabinets will look just like new. You’ll be stunned by the results, and your friends won’t believe you when you say they were painted not replaced.


Won’t Work on All Cabinets

The decision to paint or replace your cabinets depends on the current shape that they are in, so painting isn’t a wise choice for all cabinets. If your cabinets are warped, chipped, or have other damages then painting them won’t solve your problem. Many people fail to recognize this then go forward and paint the cabinets anyway. They are almost always disappointed with the results.

Painting Cabinets Is a Long and Detailed Process

If your cabinets are in good enough shape to paint, the hugest con you will run into is the painting process itself. This involves:

· Taking drawers out and doors off of the hinges

· Labeling everything so you know where it goes

· Thoroughly cleaning to remove dirt and stains

· Sanding to get rid of the old stain or paint surface

· Priming

· Painting (possibly multiple coats)

· Putting drawers and doors back (new hinges and pulls recommended)

Not only is this a long process that can take an untrained painter days, missing any of these steps will produce sub-par results.

If you’re curious about the process of painting cabinets, check out our tutorial video by clicking play below.

Paintbrushes Leave Marks

For most non-professional painters, the paintbrush is the ‘weapon of choice’ for painting projects, but it will typically leave unwanted brush marks behind if you use it to paint the cabinets. Ideally, you should use a spray gun; however, most homeowners do not have this tool and even if they can borrow or rent one, the spray gun can be tricky to use.

Painting your kitchen cabinets can be the quickest, easiest, and most cost-efficient way to give your kitchen a makeover. However, it’s not a project you should tackle without first considering the cons and evaluating whether you can do the work. Most homeowners who paint their kitchen cabinets are looking for professional-quality work that makes their cabinets look new again. To achieve this result – without all the hassle – many get a professional painter to perform the work.

Do you want to spruce up your tired kitchen with freshly painted cabinets? New Life Painting serves the Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo areas. Click to learn more about our cabinet refacing and painting services.

This post was last modified on 13/10/2023 15:31

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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