Categories: Outdoor

Mass Cane Plant Care

Published by
James marcus

Did you know that this beauty’s common name – Corn Plant – comes from its variegated leaves resembling the foliage of corn? It has long, green leaves with light-yellow/light-green stripes running through. They have stalky stems, too. This plant has one or more canes (stems) that grow to the top of the cane and create new stems and a crown of leaves.

Indoors, these canes can reach a height of 6 feet or more. You can also clip them at the top once they reach the height that you like. And not just that! This Dracaena massangeana is one of the most effective and efficient plants for eliminating indoor pollutants.

Now there is no doubt that it has to be one of your houseplants! Read below to find out more.

Mass Cane Plant Care Basics

Before we get to the most exciting part, take a look first at this plant’s background. Just a little get-to-know each other.

Now that you know the essential info, we will give you what you want: care tips! At the end of your reading, I can ensure that you learn how to efficiently manage this beauty.

Best Potting Mix

Loose potting soil with good drainage is ideal for Mass Cane plants. As long as water runs freely, a standard potting mix for houseplants will suffice for this beauty. Because cane plants dislike sitting in water, you can add peat moss to the potting soil.

This will add organic matter to the soil and aid drainage. If the soil appears excessively dense, you can also add some perlite to let water drain more freely.

Watering Needs

The quantity of light it receives determines how often it needs to be watered. You may need to water it once a week if it is in bright sunlight. Water the plant less frequently in shady or low-light locations.

This is because most Corn plant kinds are known for not requiring a lot of water. Between waterings, the soil should be kept somewhat dry. To avoid root rot, excess water in the saucer must be rapidly drained.

Pro tip: Because these plants don’t like salts or minerals present in tap water, use filtered water, rainwater, or distilled water for the best results.

Ideal Lighting

Indoors, the Mass Cane plant thrives in bright to moderate light. However, if the light is too low, the leaves will narrow, lose their color variegation, and stunt the plant’s growth. Remember that Massangeana appears to have the most fabulous color in natural light, bringing out the vivid yellow striping.

In the North window, plants will do best. In Summer, keep an eye out for plants that have been exposed to direct sunshine from the West. If you want to treat them as an outdoor plant, make sure not to expose these beauties to direct sunlight.

A necessary shade would be required.

Pro tip: Strong, direct sunlight should be avoided when growing a Bulk Cane plant. The attractive lustrous yellow-green leaves can be discolored by the sun’s light and heat.

Temperature & Humidity

Temperatures of 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit (15-24 degrees Celsius) are ideal for the Bulk cane. The edges of the leaves will turn light grey or brown if the temperature falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius). A plant that has been harmed by the cold does not necessarily guarantee that it will die.

On Corn plants, cold injury manifests swiftly. Leaves should not be trimmed immediately away. You may have chopped off too much or too little foliage. Allow all of the damage to appear before you begin cutting; this could take up to two weeks.

On the other hand, if you notice your leaves curling or turning towards the inside of your house, it’s an indication that the plant is attempting to protect itself from sunburn. So look for another place for your plant.

Pro tip: Keep it away from open windows to protect it from the wind and cold in the winter.

Humidity for this plant is also critical. The Mass Cane prefers high humidity because it is a tropical plant. It, on the other hand, thrives under average moisture. You can notice if this plant needs humidity if the leaves begin to turn brown at the tips.

Mist the leaves frequently to increase the humidity of the plant. You can also use a humidifier or set the pot on a tray filled with water and stones, but make sure the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with the water. You can also hydrate leaves by wiping them with a moist cloth.

How often should we fertilize our mass cane?

Excess fluoride and boron are highly toxic to these Dracaenas. Fertilizer is most likely the source of this “extra” fluoride and boron. When any of these two ingredients is out of balance, the Cornstalk plant can readily burn.

Plants in the Mass Cane family are not heavy feeders as long as you provide them a rich organic soil. As a result, only feed them every other month during the growing season. You can also use rich compost to top-dress the plant at the start of the growing season.


I know you are eager to learn how to multiply this Corn plant. Well, thankfully, this beauty can be easily propagated through stem cuttings. If you’re going to plant a mass cane from a cutting, do it in the spring or summer when the parent plant is actively developing.

  • Pick a good stem that is healthy and has a few buds on it. These tiny buds will eventually become shoots.
  • Cut off at least 3 inches of the stem with gardening scissors or a sharp knife. Just below the horizontal groove, make a cut.
  • Place the new cutting in a new pot’s soil, ensuring the buds stay above the dirt. Water the stem as soon as possible.
  • You can also optionally dip the cutting’s end in rooting hormone powder to boost its chances of budding.

Growth Zone

Corn plants are only hardy in zones 10 through 12. It can reach a height of 50 feet (600 inches) in its native African setting. Because it is more commonly grown as a houseplant in the United States, it only reaches a height of 4 to 6 feet (48-72inches).


The Bulk Cane plant thrives when they’re root-bound. However, there will come a time when the roots outgrow the pot. When the plant starts to raise or sends roots out of the drainage holes, you’ll know this is the right time for repotting.

Repot your Bulk Cane plant every year or two into a slightly larger container with fresh potting soil (2 to 3 inches larger and more profound). Remove the loose dirt around the plant and carefully peel it from its base when you’re ready to repot it. Remove any dark, mushy roots with a pruner. Half-fill a new, sterile pot with the correct potting soil.

Fill the remaining space in the pot with dirt and your Bulk Cane plant. Then water thoroughly. Care for it like a new plant, and you’ll see the plant healthy and striving.


Pruning these Dracaenas cannot be any easier. Simply remove any discolored or sick-looking leaves at the node using sterilized garden shears (the point where a leaf attaches to the cane). You can also trim any new sprouts or side shoots to retain the plant’s form.

If your plant becomes too tall, cut a section of the top off horizontally across the stem.

Pro tip: If you want to grow another Bulk Cane tree, you can propagate the cuttings!

Mass Cane Varieties and Similar Plants

Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ is one of six wide varieties, types, or cultivars of Corn plants commonly grown as decorative houseplants. If you’re looking for other similar plants like this beauty, we will also provide them for you!

They are:

Dracaena fragrans ‘Bausei’

This one has long, lancing leaves that can reach a length of 2 feet. The leaves cling to the stems, which are comprehensive and woody. The brilliantly green leaves have a single creamy center/stripe that runs the length of the leaf. When cultivated in containers, this plant can reach a maximum height of 4 feet.

Dracaena fragrans ‘Lindenii’

The glossy, dark green leaves are similar to those of the Massangeana. The leaves have an arching habit with a white line through the center. It must be pruned regularly to maintain its 3 feet container height.

Dracaena fragrans ‘Warneckii’

The leaves of this plant grow in a random pattern, dangling firmly down the stems. It may reach a height of 5 feet and is a low-maintenance sizeable indoor plant. It is prized for its upright growth, large leaves with white flecks and cream borders, and upright growth.

Common Diseases & Pests

Saponins contained in the cells of Mass Cane plants make them resistant to most fungal infections. They may, however, be susceptible to root rots and leaf spot infections if not properly watered. So it is vital to list down these pests and problems to cure them immediately.


Spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, and thrips are common pests that harm Bulk Cane plants. You’ll see symptoms of infestation under leaves and on stems if these annoying pests assault your plant. A neem oil solution can be used to get rid of these bugs.


Dracaena Corn Plants are also susceptible to fungal infections. Leaf patches and sluggish growth due to root rot are common symptoms of fungal disease. Overwatering or allowing the roots to soak in water are the major causes of fungal-related cane plant illnesses. Partially allowing the soil to dry aids in the prevention of fungal diseases.

This post was last modified on 15/10/2023 20:28

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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