Categories: Outdoor

Money plant Vastu direction, benefits and tips

Published by
James marcus

Money plant is one of the most popular indoor plants in India. The heart-shaped leaves of money plant add lushness to the décor without any mess and dirt. Also, a money plant has ornamental appeal as well as a number of health benefits as it is also known as natural air purifier. Money plant is also believed to bring long-lasting friendship, due its heart-shaped leaves.

Moreover, money plant, according to Vastu, attracts positive energy along with luck, wealth and prosperity which makes it more auspicious as an indoor plant. It can kept in the office or at home. As per Vastu Shastra principles, keeping lucky plants at home ensures prosperity in the house and eliminate financial difficulties. If you are planning to bring a money plant home, follow these Vastu guidelines to place it at the right place.

Where to keep money plant at home?

Best direction to keep the money plant: According to Vastu, a money plant should be placed in the southeast direction or north entrance of the house.

Living room: According to various Vastu experts, money plant should be kept in the south-east corner of the room for attracting luck and prosperity. Since this direction is ruled by planet Venus and Lord Ganesha, both of them symbolise wealth and luck. Right placement of money plant is very important to see its positive effect in your life. You can also place the money plant in aquarium in the southeast corner of the room.

It is believed that Lord Ganesha takes away bad luck from the resident and showers him with wealth and prosperity.

North facing house entrance: If your house is a north facing property, then the house entrance is the perfect place to keep the money plant, as per Vastu principles. This arrangement will attract new career opportunities and new income sources for the family members.

Kitchen: You can place the money plant in the kitchen near the window or the entrance door. Maintain a distance of at least four or feet foot.

In the corners: According to the Vastu, sharp corners are source of anxiety and negativity. To nullify the negative effects, money plants can be placed in corners, which will also minimise the stress at home.

Bathroom: Since money plants are easy to grow, they can easily grow in humid corners such as bathrooms. As per Vastu, keeping the money plant in a bathroom will do no harm. You can maintain it easily, if your bathroom gets a considerable amount of direct or indirect sunlight. Keep the money plant in the southeast direction near a window.

Near electronics, gadgets: Money plants has the capability to absorb radiations and therefore can be placed near television or computers or Wi-Fi routers.

Money plant in bedroom as per Vastu

  • East:Keep the money plant in a green bottle. This arrangement will boost your social interaction and help build connections with influential people.
  • North:The direction belongs to the wealth god, Kubera. Place the money plant in a blue-coloured bottle that faces towards north. This placement will invite money and prosperity in the family.
  • South:The direction represents fame and expansion. Keep the money plant in soil, without water, facing south. This will boost your financial position.
  • Southeast:This direction represents Goddess Lakshmi. According to Vastu, keeping the money plant in a red bottle in soil (not water) in the southeast will increase the flow of finances.

Money plant can be kept in the bedroom as well on the left or right side of the bed but away from the footrest or headrest. Keep the plant around five feet away as it produces carbon dioxide at night. Do not place the money plant in west or southwest as it can impact career prospects and relationships.

See also: All about Buddha statue for home Vastu tips

Money plant Vastu direction and location to avoid

East-west direction: Placing money plant in the east-west direction could lead to trouble in the form of financial problems, arguments and discord between married couples.

Northeast: According to the Vastu, placing the money plant in northeast direction that is ruled by Jupiter as it may result in loss of money, health issues and conflicts.

Outside the house: According to Vastu, Money plant should always be placed inside the house. Exposure to excess sunlight can cause the plant to dry and result in stunted growth, which is inauspicious and impacts finances.

Near Kitchen stove: Do not place money plant near the kitchen burner. Keeping it near these objects may take away the luck and wealth that the money plant brings.

West and southwest directions: Placing money plant in these directions can result in instability in relationships and career.

Near heating equipment: Avoid placing the money plant close to heating devices such as gas burner, geyser, etc.

Money plant benefits

Promotes positivity

Money plant is considered lucky houseplant. Keeping money plant in home is also considered to bring good luck and prosperity. A money, as per Vastu, should be placed in the southeast corner which promotes peace and healthy environment in the house. As per Feng Shui, the five leaves in each branch of the money plant represent the five elements of nature namely earth, water, fire, metal, and wood. The five elements help attract positive energies.

Improves aesthetics of interiors

Money plants are excellent indoor houseplants that brin an aesthetic appeal to space. They are affordable home decor pieces that can be used as accents, adding freshness and greenery.

Purifies the air

Most houseplants help reduce indoor air pollution. Among the main benefits of money plant is its ability to purify the air by eliminating airborne pollutants like carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene. Thus, the plant allows more oxygen and helps in easy breathing.

Lowers stress and anxiety

Money plant is an auspicious plant that helps energise and lower stress levels in people. Hence, it creates a positive atmosphere and reduces sleeping disorders, anxiety and conflicts.

Ensures good health

You can keep a money plant near the Wi-Fi router in the house. This placement helps protect children from falling sick and older members of the house from getting heartaches.

Acts as an anti-radiator

It lowers the radiation level emanating from electronic gadgets such as laptops, computers, and mobile phones.

Keeps aquariums clean

One can grow indoor money plants in aquariums. The plant keeps the water free from nitrates which is harmful to the fishes. Moreover, it prevents algae growth and balances pH levels in water.

Strengthens relationships

The heart-shaped leaves of money plant attract love, laughter, and happiness for the family members. Hence, you can keep the plant at home to heal broken relationships and strengthens ties with family members. It also helps prevent marital problems.

Helps tackle Sick Building Syndrome

A money plant is known to absorb negative energies present in the surrounding and help neutralise symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome.

See also about: bamboo plants

Types of money plants

There are different types of money plants. Some of the varieties known in India include Jade plant, golden money plant, silver money plant, marble queen money plant, marble prince money plant, split leaf money plant, Swiss cheese money plant and Chinese money plant.

According to Feng Shui, keeping the following types of money plant at home will attract wealth, abundance and growth in one’s life.

Money Tree: Also known as Pachira aquatica, the money tree has braided stems that denote interconnectedness and longevity. Three stems represent new beginnings while five stems denote the five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Golden Pothos: These are popular houseplants with long vines typically used to frame the wealth centre in the house or to demarcate boundaries. They require indirect light and easy-to-maintain.

Jade Plant: These plants have a slow and stead growth, which signify a steady accumulation of wealth according to Feng Shui. Further, their leaves look like jade stone, which are lucky and promote long life.

Pilea Peperomioides: This is a low-maintenance houseplant which is easy to grow and maintain. According to Feng Shui, the plant’s round and glossy leaves resemble coins. Thus, the plant is considered auspicious as it attracts wealth.

Swiss cheese plant: These plants belong to the Monstera genus. They are considered a symbol of growth, upward energy and abundance.

Silver Satin: This is another variety of the auspicious money plant. It is believed to eliminate negative energy while promoting positive Chi energy in the house, according to Feng Shui.

Silver Dollar Vine: Keeping this Feng Shui money plant is considered auspicious as it brings wealth and prosperity in the house.

Lucky Bamboo: It is a common name for the plant Dracaena sanderiana. It is not a bamboo. Keeping this plant at home brings prosperity and good luck.

Marble Queen Money Plant: The scientific name of this plant is Epipremnum aureum Marble Queen. The leaves are creamy white in colours. The marble queen requires bright sunlight to grow.

Monstera deliciosa: This variety is known as the sprint leaf money plant. The plant is dryness resistant and grows well in minimum sunlight.

Neon money plant: This variety of money plant has an attractive golden or neon shine, which enhances in the lighting.

Here are some money plant images:

See also: All about lucky plants for home

Where to keep money plant in office?

Placing a money plant in the office or workspace is considered auspicious as it brings prosperity and financial abundance in one’s career. You can also keep a money plant on the desk, which symbolises the wealth.

Money plant Vastu Dos and don’ts


*Avoid red colours: Keeping the plant near any red coloured items or surfaces makes it draw bad luck or negative energies. Thus, avoid placing the money plant near red objects. Make sure that the money plant is not kept next to any red coloured items, or on red surfaces. For example, do not keep the plant near utilities in the house such as washing machine, dustbin, grinders, fridge, etc. that are painted in red.

*Do not give the plant to others: A money plant as per Vastu should not be given to others as it annoys planet Venus, the deity that bestows prosperity.

*Leaves should not touch the ground: Make sure that the leaves do not touch the ground. As per money plant Vastu, the growing vines denote growth and prosperity. Once the money plant has grown, make sure you prune it and keep it neat. The money plant is believed to be a form Goddess Lakshmi. Make sure the leaves or stems of your money plant are not falling on to the ground, as it is considered highly inauspicious.

*Do not let anyone else prune your money plant, not even close friends or neighbours. Allowing them to prune it, signifies giving away your wealth to someone. As per Vastu, pruning and tacking care of lucky plants or tree for money to be someone else can also have a negative impact on the plant.


*Go for green or blue hues: For optimum positive effects, grow the money plant in a green or blue vase. This will invite more wealth and help to remove any obstacles in the flow of energy. It makes more space for positive energy flow. You can use discarded plastic bottles or containers and use DIY techniques to transform them into attractive flower plants and grow your money plant at home.

*Ensure the place is airy: Avoid placing the money plant outdoors. However, you place the money plant in an area that is airy and receives partial shade.

*Ensure that your money plant grows upwards. If planted in a pot, use a plant pole/moss stick for growing your money plant. Coco poles are ideal as they are porous allowing high moisture retention and allowing the roots of the plant to grip naturally into the coir fibre. You can even use a bamboo as support for your money plant.

*Place it in a water vessel: If you are placing money plant in south-east direction, avoid placing it in a water vessel and instead plant it in soil and use a brown coloured pot. You can also use darker shades of red.

*Keep money plant indoors: Keeping the money plant in home indoors brings maximum benefits as per Vastu. It is believed that the healthier the money plant it, the more good luck it will attract. One of the is noteworthy money plant benefits is that the plant also controls indoor humidity levels which improves the temperature indoor. Never keep the plant outside the house or in the garden area.

*Ensure healthy foliage: According to Vastu, is that greener the money plant, the more the chances of getting wealth into your home.

Feng Shui tips

As per Feng Shui, money plant can be placed in the wealth corner of your house. To identify the wealth corner, imagine a three-by-three grid placed over the house. Stand at your home entrance door and find the farthest corner of the grid on the left-hand side, which is the wealth area.

Similarly, you can also identify the wealth corner of your bedroom or office space. Stand in the door facing into the room and locate the far left corner, which will be the wealth area.

Money plant in aquarium

Growing a money plant in an aquarium is an excellent way to boost the flow of positive energies in the house. You can place money plant on the top of an aquarium. Let the money plant grow its roots in the aquarium water. This arrangement helps in absorption of nitrates in the aquarium water. It is advantageous for the aquatic lives.

Source: Pinterest

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How to grow money plant at home?

Money plant can be propagated through cuttings with at least two nodes. You can also get a small potted plant from a nursery. Now, place the plant in a container, which has sufficient drainage holes. Adequate drainage will promote healthy root growth. Make sure to choose a well-draining potting mix with ample nutrients. Do not use garden soil. If you want the money plant to climb, install trellis or other support for the vines.

How to maintain the money plant?

*Money plants can be easily grown in a water-filled vessel or in a plant pot through stem cutting. Replenish the water in the vessel every week with tap water so that the plants get all the minerals to grow.

*Remove the wilted leaves as it symbolises negative energy. If you are planting the money plant in soil, ensure you water it regularly and keep it free from pests.

*Place the money plant in a partial shade and needs water once a week or more frequently if the indoor air too much dry.

*Money plants can grow up to the height of 20 meters if maintained properly. Remove the dry or yellow coloured leaves to keep it healthy. As per money plant Vastu, one should ensure that dried leaves are removed as a dried plant symbolizes misfortune.

*If you are placing the money plant in an air-conditioned room, mist the plants frequently as it may become too dry due to cool air.

*Avoid using water with high chlorine or fluoride content and instead use normal tap water.

*You should trim the plant regularly to keep it healthy-looking and easy to maintain.

Indoor Money plant, if not kept as per Vastu principles, may have some disadvantages. If the plant is kept outside the house or if it has a stunted growth, then it is considered inauspicious, as per Vastu Shastra.

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Can you take money plant from someone?

It is widely believed that stealing money plant from someone’s house and planting it in one’s home brings happiness and prosperity. However, Vastu Shastra does not recommend planting money plants stolen from someone. One should purchase a money plant and keep it at home as per the Vastu rules.

How many money plants can be kept at home?

Money trees are made by braiding several money plants when they are still young and tender. Avoid braiding odd number of money plants.

As per Vastu, there is no limit on the number of money plants kept at home.

Where do you put a money tree?

A money tree, also known as Pachira aquatica, requires minimum maintenance. They are considered a symbol of luck and prosperity. Place the tree in an area that receives indirect sunlight. These are tropical plants that grow well in a warm environment. To invite good energies, keep the plant in the southeast corner of the house.


(With additional inputs from Surbhi Gupta)

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James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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