Categories: Outdoor

Outdoor Classrooms

Published by
James marcus

Outdoor classrooms represent an excellent opportunity for schools and other educational establishments to do something creative and interesting with their outdoor spaces – something that adds to the experience of school life for children while aiding their development. Outdoor learning has also become a fundamental part of a school’s education programme especially since the advent of the pandemic where more children have been encouraged to be outside in all weathers.

We also specialise in designing all kinds of eco outdoor classrooms for schools who want to do more with their on-site facilities and who want to promote their outdoor learning programme including their forest schools initiatives – schools that also have an important agenda when it comes to the environment. Every outdoor classroom therefore we produce is created with the environment in mind and we have even created our own renewable energy system involving wind, solar and pedal power! Including special dynamo bikes which the children have to pedal to create electricity. Other options include water butt and roof guttering systems for rainwater harvesting; roll-down canvas panels for the windows and doors to offer greater protection from the elements; access ramps; internal desks and whiteboards. We want our products to be both educational, creative and fun so that children will enjoy using them and will want to participate time and time again.

Our range of outdoor classrooms is one of the most varied and comprehensive in the UK and is certainly an area of specialisation for our company. You will see from the products featured above but our range covers everything from an open sided gazebo type structure right over to a fully enclosed, insulated building which can be used all year round. And we have also created some unique concepts with the pod, treehouses and fire pit and cooking cabins. And with these modular buildings come many options and choices for you the school which have been added over the years in consultation with teachers and children. We can usually accommodate the majority of budgets within our range. And we only ever use high quality materials – we don’t believe in selling anything cheap because it will simply not last and will not stand up to the everyday demanding use of a typical school playground.

We trust that you will find below exactly what you are looking for but if there is something more specific in mind, please do let us know as we are always open to new suggestions.

The Benefits Of An Outdoor Classroom

  • You can take learning outside of the classroom 365 days of the year
  • Promotes health and well-being as the children are outside in the fresh air
  • Offers shelter from the sun and rain and provides a space for relaxation and mindfulness
  • Applications for an outdoor classroom are multi-faceted – reading, teaching, parent waiting shelters, community facility, nurture room and an outdoor eating area
  • Fosters social engagement
  • Allows children to participate first hand with nature and their natural environment

Do You Need Planning Permission For An Outdoor Classroom?

A lot of the buildings we install at schools do not require planning permission because they fall under Permitted Development Rights (PDR) which have recently been revised (in favour of schools). However, there are certain stipulations for this exemption which you need to be aware of – so please contact us for full details of these.

But you would also need to check that your school has not already used up its PDR with other buildings or developments for example.

We are no planning consultants per se and if you wanted a definite answer, you would have to approach your local planning authority for their advice. Some local authorities nowadays offer a pre-application service whereby you meet a planning officer for an informal discussion before you submit an application. Some local planning authorities charge for this service so it’s a good idea to check with them first.

If we have them in stock, we can also provide the required scaled drawings.

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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