Categories: Outdoor

Florida Grill Injury Attorney

Published by
James marcus

While grilling outdoors is a frequent pastime for many Floridians and vacationers in Florida, grills can also result in serious and fatal personal injuries. Although operator error can play a role in grilling accidents, it is important to know that the maker of a barbecue grill may be responsible for serious burn injuries. Indeed, designers and manufacturers of grills can be liable for burn injuries caused by product defects, while marketers or retailers of grills may be at fault for burn injuries that result from a failure to warn about risks associated with certain uses of the grill or a failure to provide clear instructions about how to activate safety features on a grill.

Were you injured in a grilling accident in Florida? An experienced Florida grill accident and injury attorney at our firm can talk with you today about getting the financial compensation you need.

Grilling Causes Thousands of Injuries: Get the Facts

Grills are more dangerous than you think. The following are facts about grill accidents and burn injuries from a report in The Washington Post:

  • Approximately 16,600 people have to visit emergency departments every year for grilling accident injuries;
  • About 50 percent of all emergency department visits for grilling injuries involve thermal burns that were “caused by fire or contact with something ultrahot,” according to the report;
  • Around 33 percent of all emergency department injuries from grills involve kids under the age of 5 who have sustained serious burn injuries after touching, bumping into, or falling onto a part of a barbecue grill;
  • Approximately 9,600 fires that require fire department response happen every year in the U.S. because of home grilling; and
  • Leaks or breaks in gas grills most commonly account for home grilling fires, although a grease or fat buildup in any type of grill can result in a fire and serious burn injuries.

Grill defects can result in various types of injuries, from defective safety shields or guards to defects in propane lines.

Statute of Limitations for Grill Injuries in Florida

If you sustained serious burn injuries while using a defective grill, or your child fell into or touched a grill and suffered severe thermal burns, can you file a lawsuit? To be eligible to file a claim, you will need to do so before the statute of limitations runs out. Under Florida law, most types of injury lawsuits have a four-year statute of limitations, including grilling injury claims.

The clock on the statute of limitations will begin to tick on the date of the grilling accident that caused your injuries. From that time, you will have four years to ensure that your lawsuit gets filed. While you might be thinking that four years is a long time, you should remember that you will not be eligible to obtain compensation until you file your lawsuit.

Contact a Florida Grill Injury Lawyer

If you have questions about filing a grilling injury claim, or if you need assistance with your lawsuit, one of our experienced Florida grill accident and injury attorneys is here to help. Contact Halpern Santos & Pinkert, P.A. for more information.

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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