Categories: Outdoor

30 Fun Things to Do Outside Alone (Best Solo Outdoor Activities)

Published by
James marcus

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Looking for the best outdoor activities to do by yourself as an adult? This post is for you! It is a compilation of some fun things to do outside alone (or with your family and friends), no matter the season of the year.

Learning how to have fun alone is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You will find ways to do what makes you happy and be comfortable doing solo activities and spending time by yourself. It is one way to take responsibility for your happiness so you no longer rely on others for it.

When you learn how to have fun by yourself, you can be alone without feeling lonely or bored.

Doing fun activities by yourself, either outdoors or indoors, is a great way to create your own happiness. In this post, we shall focus on the fun things you can do outside alone because the weather is good right now.

However, most of the fun solo outdoor activities listed below don’t have to be done alone; you can also include your family and friends. So, if you have loved ones who want to join you, do allow them to come along.

Doing fun things outside with your family and friends will be an opportunity to spend some quality time together, having fun and strengthening your bond.

Just don’t limit yourself to doing fun outdoor or indoor activities only when you have companions. There are many fun things you can do alone outside your home, in your backyard, around your hometown, or beyond.

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Fun Things to Do Outside Alone as an Adult

  1. Go on a picnic

It is okay to go on a picnic alone! Therefore, one of the best solo outdoor activities you can do is pack your picnic essentials and go out to the backyard or a park near you. You will enjoy the many benefits of picnicking alone.

Sit on the grass and eat your picnic snacks while enjoying your own company, breathing in the fresh air, enjoying the feeling of the sun on your face, relaxing, reflecting on your life, and enjoying the sights around you.

Remember to leave your phone behind at home or turn it off during the picnic to avoid getting distracted by the digital world. Instead, have fun outside by yourself, appreciating this quiet time alone and the little things around you.

  1. Tour your hometown

No matter how long you have lived in an area, there are always some things and places you don’t know well. As such, becoming a tourist in your hometown is one of the fun things to do outside alone as an adult.

Visit the tourist attractions (even though you have probably toured them before), go to the lesser-known places, go on a foodie adventure, try new restaurants, book a hotel room for a staycation, and do more touristy things in your hometown.

Touring your area is one of the best solo outdoor activities to do for fun because it introduces you to a new side of your town and makes you appreciate its people, culture, and history.

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  1. Play with your pet

Since many people often spend a lot of time working or at school, they rarely have time for their pets. But your pets also need to be shown some love! Therefore, one of the fun things to do outside alone is play with your pet(s) in the backyard or in a nearby park.

Some fun games to play with your pet outdoors while solo include; hide and seek, fetch, tug of war, Frisbee, water games, treasure hunt, and chase the prey, among others.

  1. Go hiking

Don’t stay cooped up at home because you have no friends or family to do fun outdoor activities with. Get out of the house, and go hiking, one of the fun things to do outside alone when the weather is good.

Hiking benefits you in many ways – from being a great way to spend time in nature to helping you stay fit and healthy, among many other benefits. So, if you are alone at home and looking for fun solo outdoor activities, head out to the nearest trail and enjoy the many benefits of hiking.

Remember to inform a trusted person where you are going and when you expect to be back from your hike.

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  1. Attend an event

Are there any events happening near you? Attending events, such as concerts, festivals, weddings, gallery openings, competitions, or sports are some fun things to do outside alone as an adult.

It will be an opportunity to have fun, meet new people, learn new things, and get exposure to new ideas.

  1. Exercise outdoors

You don’t have to limit your workout sessions to the gym or your home gym.

One of the fun things to do outside alone as an adult is to exercise outdoors. It can be full outdoor workout sessions with equipment, reps, and everything, or you can just go out for a jog or walk around your neighborhood.

Other simple exercise activities you can do outdoors solo include jumping rope, roller skating, climbing stairs, and cycling.

Nonetheless, remember that exercising outdoors in hot weather can be risky. So, stay safe by knowing your limits, drinking enough water, taking breaks, dressing appropriately, and exercising during cooler times of the day.

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  1. Practice photography

If you love photography, grabbing your camera and going out to take some pictures is one of the fun things you can do outside alone as an adult. Do it even if you are not good at it yet. Practice makes perfect, after all!

You can take pictures of people, animals, plants, food, or anything else that interests you. Just remember, DO NOT post other people’s photos online or anywhere else without their consent.

Photography is one of the best solo outdoor activities for adults because it is a great way to capture special moments and preserve your memory of the events you attend, places you visit, and the people you meet.

  1. Volunteer

Just because you are alone, doesn’t mean you have to spend the day by yourself. You can find ways to help others and meet new people who like the same things you do.

Volunteering in your community is one of the fun things to do outside alone as an adult. Start by finding causes you care about and apply as a volunteer.

You can volunteer in animal shelters, nursing homes, hospitals, churches, non-profit organizations, or community projects.

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  1. Lie on a hammock

Perhaps you spend too much time indoors for whatever reason. One of the fun things to do outside alone is to get out of the house and set up a hammock.

Some of the best solo outdoor activities you can do while lying in a hammock include; sunbathing, drinking your favorite beverage, taking a nap, reading a book, knitting, and journaling.

You could also just lie back to observe the sky and enjoy the silence.

  1. Go shopping

Whether you go window shopping or you actually buy some new clothes, groceries, shoes, gadgets, or appliances, shopping is one of the fun things to do outside alone as an adult.

If you decide to buy stuff, ensure you create a budget, purchase only the items you need, avoid impulse buying, and choose quality over quantity. You don’t want to go broke when you probably don’t depend on anyone else for financial support.

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  1. Walk your dog

Besides playing with your pet, walking your dog is another of the fun things to do outside alone. This solo outdoor activity will benefit not only the dog but you as well. You will both get some exercise and enjoy the fresh air outside the house.

Walking around will also help you reduce stress and create an opportunity to socialize with others, whether dog owners or not.

  1. Read a book

A list of fun things to do outside alone would be incomplete if reading books was unincluded. You can read a book outside on your balcony, by the pool, at the beach, or in the park.

Ensure you protect your eyes from the glare of the sun while reading books outdoors.

  1. Try people watching

Are you still wondering what to do outside alone? Why don’t you try people-watching?

You can people-watch from the balcony of your home if it faces a street with heavy foot traffic or go to a busy public place such as a park bench, café, the mall, or a bar.

Just observe people and their interactions with others.

While people watching, try to come up with their backstories, motivations, and relationships based on the limited information you get from what you see. It will be such a fun solo outdoor activity!

  1. Explore nature

If you want to spend time outdoors for a day or an afternoon, exploring nature is one of the fun things to do outside alone, especially during fall, spring, and summer.

Go to a nearby forest, park, or beach, and spend time there trying to identify the various flora and fauna you see. Enjoy the silence, the fresh air, as well as the sights, sounds, and feels of nature.

Studies indicate that spending time in nature improves mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It will also make you more empathetic as you realize you are only a tiny part of something bigger than yourself.

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  1. Do some gardening

Still looking for fun things to do outside alone as an adult? If you have space for a garden, gardening is one of the best solo outdoor activities you can do at home. It will help you relax and clear your thoughts while also getting some exercise done.

  1. Practice meditation outdoors

One of the fun things to do outside alone is to practice meditation. Look for a quiet place and sit silently with your eyes closed.

Allow your thoughts to pass through your mind and observe them without judgment. Focus on your breathing and the present moment instead of regretting things from your past or worrying about the future.

Meditation can help you manage the symptoms of depression, increase your self-awareness, sleep better, gain a new perspective on difficult situations, reduce anxiety, and relieve stress.

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  1. Go camping

If you love spending time in nature, camping is another fun solo outdoor activity you can do as an adult. But before you go, ensure you acquire the necessary survival skills first.

For example, first aid, navigation, planning, animal and plant recognition, organization, or how to make a fire, pitch a tent, and cook.

Camping solo has many benefits, including helping you de-stress and manage anxiety.

Remember to inform someone close to you where you are and bring proper safety gear.

  1. Observe the night sky

The sky is full of wonders, and watching it, especially at night, is one of the fun things to do outside alone.

If your house has a rooftop or a balcony, go outside and stargaze. Look at the stars, observe the moon at night, spot planets Mercury and Venus, look for comets, and try to see the Milky Way.

If the sky isn’t clear enough where you live, you could go to a location where it is easier to stargaze. You can use your naked eyes, binoculars, or a telescope to observe the night sky.

  1. Paint or draw while outdoors

Are you good at painting or drawing? Why not take your art outdoors?

Painting or drawing are some fun hobbies you can do alone outside. It will be especially great to do these outside the house if you are making a landscape painting of a scene from some outdoor space you know, for example, a waterfall, mountain, valley, or something else.

You can do it at a location with the best view of your subject, making the result even better.

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  1. Go swimming

If you have a pool, lake, or ocean nearby, swimming is one of the fun things to do outside alone. It is not only fun but is also a form of a full-body workout, thus it will help you stay fit.

Furthermore, if the weather is hot, swimming will be a great way to cool down.

  1. Go on a road trip

You can make your life exciting and interesting, even when alone.

Going on a planned or impromptu road trip is one of the fun things you can do outside alone. You could drive around with no destination in mind or decide to visit a nearby town or tourist attraction.

Blast music in your car and sing along to your favorite songs.

A road trip can be fun even when you are alone. It allows you to be spontaneous and to go at your own pace. You can stop wherever you want and enjoy other sights you hadn’t planned to visit.

Going on a road trip alone will also make you more confident and self-reliant; hence it is one of the best solo outdoor activities for adults.

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  1. Watch the sunset or sunrise

Watching the sunset or sunrise is a surreal experience and one of the fun things to do outside alone. So, go outdoors and marvel at the beauty of nature as the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.

  1. Go to an amusement park

Amusement parks aren’t only for kids; adults can also have fun there. And you don’t even need to always have companions to have a great time.

If your height, weight, and health allow it, riding roller coasters, going on the Ferris wheel, and merry-go-rounds are some fun things to do outside alone at an amusement park.

When you go to the amusement park by yourself, you will also enjoy the shows, meet your favorite characters, and try the delicious foods without worrying whether anyone else will like the same things you like.

You will also not waste time doing things you don’t enjoy or think that you are wasting someone else’s time when they do what you want.

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  1. Visit the local bar

You don’t have to spend time by yourself while outdoors.

Visiting the local bar is one of the fun things to do outside alone instead of just sitting at home feeling lonely. You will have fun having your favorite drink, meeting new people, dancing, and engaging in some people-watching.

Remember not to drink too much or to drink and drive in order to avoid accidents. Additionally, don’t go home with strange people. Your safety should still be a priority.

  1. Eat out alone

Do you live alone and want a change of scenery? One of the fun things to do outside alone is to eat out.

Visit a local café or restaurant and have fun trying out various dishes you haven’t had before.

Eating out alone boosts your self-confidence and eliminates the fear of being judged for your food choices or portion sizes like you probably would while dining with a companion.

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  1. Ride a bike

Combine sightseeing and exercise by bike riding around your neighborhood or beyond.

Cycling is one of the fun things to do outside alone and has many benefits. It improves strength as well as your balance and coordination skills.

If you have the time, you can develop the habit of riding a bike for 30-60 minutes every day.

  1. Practice yoga

In recent years, yoga has gained popularity for its many health benefits, and it is another fun solo outdoor activity for adults. So, find a spot outside and practice various yoga poses.

If you don’t know any, there are many YouTube tutorials that can show you how to do beginner yoga poses.

Practicing yoga regularly will help you improve your flexibility, reduce stress and anxiety, increase muscle strength, ease or prevent back pain, and improve your heart health.

  1. Take an outdoor class

If you are still undecided on what to do outside alone, starting a class on something you are interested in learning is one of the best solo outdoor activities you can do as an adult.

Taking an outdoor class for cooking, sewing, pottery, painting, self-defense, knitting, dancing, or anything else you want to know how to do are fun things to do outside by yourself.

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  1. Go to a local bookstore

Visiting a bookshop is one of the best solo outdoor activities for adults who love reading.

Even if you don’t have any money to purchase the books, spending time in this place filled with your favorite things, i.e., books, is a great way to spend your day.

You will love the smell of books, discover new ones to read, and meet other people who love books as much as you do.

Additionally, when you buy any books from the bookstore, you will be supporting a local business – something you should always try to do.

  1. Go fishing

If the weather allows it where you are, going to a nearby lake, pond, or river to fish is one of the fun things to do outside alone.

Ensure you kill your catch quickly if you intend to cook and eat it; store the fish properly if you plan to keep it. Also, don’t capture more than you need.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, there are many fun things to do outside alone as an adult. If you have friends or family, remember you can still invite them along to make these outdoor activities even more fun.

The one thing to keep in mind is that having no one to do fun activities with does not mean you should limit yourself and not do them. You can still have a lot of fun by yourself. Just remember to take care of your health and ensure safety when doing fun things outside alone.

Doing fun solo outdoor activities is one step toward getting more comfortable being alone without feeling lonely or bored – an ability you need to develop if you want to feel happier and more fulfilled in life.

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James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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