Categories: Outdoor

How to fix when the led flood lights flashing on and off?

Published by
James marcus
Video outdoor led flood light flashing on and off

A common problem with LED flood lighting is that may be flashing. It may flash on and flash off fastly. This can be an annoying inconvenience that refuses to go away on its own. As floodlights are used to illuminate a large or distant area, such flickering can undo the very purpose for which they are being used. However, to zero in on what makes the square flood lights behave in such an erratic manner is not easy. There could many reasons for this. One of them could be some kind of fault in the driver circuit for the proper supply of electrical current in the floodlights. Besides, there could be many reasons that lead to flash— from simple to complicate.

Reasons for LED floodlight flashing on/off

For LED floodlights, occasional flashing is normal and there could be simple reasons for this. However, it is worthwhile to note if the flashing is really occasional or happening regularly. You need to see and judge if the problem is severe. Is it giving a hint that something is seriously wrong either with the lighting system or with the electrical circuit? If the flashing did not happen before and recently happens, you know something wrong has happened and you need to investigate and found out what the real reason is before you can fix it. Here we have dealt with some of the most common reasons that can make the LED floodlights flashing. One or more of these reasons could be behind the malady that’s afflicting your LED floodlights.

1. Dimmer Switches Improper dimmer leads to flashing floodlights. Dimmer switches are responsible for most cases of LED floodlight flashing. Dimmers are part of the circuit that is attached to the floodlight for better handling of higher electrical loads. In the earlier versions of floodlights when incandescent and CFL bulbs were used, the dimmers were made to handle high voltage devices, which would not work well with LEDs, which are in fact low-voltage bulbs. When those old dimmers are used in LED floodlights, they usually do not play well with this new lighting variant and this causes the LED floodlights to flicker. However, the latest variety of dimmer switches and dimmer LED lights are compatible and they work together.

How to deal with it

So, LED floodlight flashing can be avoided by using the right combination of dimmer switches and dimmer LED lighting, which are compatible with each other. If the LED floodlights are flashing, the first thing is that one should check is the driver circuit and make sure that the dimmer switches and the LED light are of the latest variety and both are dimmable.

2. Circuit design and power supply capability Many times, we will find that the installed circuit is decades ago when there were very few electrical appliances in use today. According to the needs of the time, the circuit used to be very simple, just to withstand the load of a few bulbs and fans. Compared with that era, today we use more electrical equipment and appliances, which draw a lot of electricity from the system, and these systems are neither conceived nor built to meet this demand. Therefore, circuits cannot effectively meet the needs of all electrical appliances, causing them to perform poorly or consume too much power.

Therefore, another important reason for the flashing of LED square flood lights may be the overload of circuits in the past. Does it start to flashing when you turn on electrical appliances such as air conditioners or washing machines? If so, it means that your circuit may be overloaded, that is, the power consumed by the electrical appliance exceeds the power that the circuit can supply smoothly. For power supply, the capacity of each circuit is limited. If we try to absorb more power by plugging in different electrical appliances, it will not be able to effectively provide the power required for the smooth and effective operation of all electrical equipment. If large appliances start to flashing when they start, it may be because they may require more power to start, causing the voltage to drop, which can cause the lights to flash or dim. This is a very common phenomenon, and it can happen even in a well-designed electrical system.

How to solve it?

If the flashing only occurs when other electrical appliances are started, it can be ignored. But if it is serious and persistent, you should ask an electrician to investigate what makes the electrical system work so badly. This may be that some electrical appliances continue to consume more power due to motor failures, or the electrical system may simply be overloaded and need to be strengthened.

3. Loose or Faulty Wiring and Connections Loose wiring causes the LED lights to flash on or off. The consistent flashing of LED flood lights may have a more dangerous origin than the overloaded circuit or voltage fluctuation. It can be due to loose wiring, old and outdated fixtures, switches, breakers, and connectors. The problem may be localized in a particular component of the entire wiring or it could be systematic and generic but linked to the poor quality of wiring. Besides flashing, it could result in poor performance of all other electrical appliances. Worse, a major cause of fire in residential and commercial buildings all over the world is the poor quality of wiring and old and faulty switches and fixtures that should have been changed long ago. Loose connections can cause arcing where the current jumps over the gap in the loose part of the connection. This is a major cause of house fires. Similarly, a loose connection in the electrical circuit can cause higher resistance at the loose point, which in turn can get heated to dangerous proportions, endangering the safety of the entire establishment.

The problem can be just anywhere: a faulty switch, old fixture wiring, worn-out connectors, service conductors in the electrical panel. If there is an increase in flickering and it’s not due to any change that you have made in the electrical circuit, loose wiring could be the reason. The loose wiring could also be found in the fixtures used in the LED floodlights.

How to fix

The best way to deal with loose wiring is to call in an electrician. Because it is too dangerous for an amateur to try to resolve the issue. It is vital to remember is that loose wiring or connection through any of the accessories used in the wiring could not only cause the electrical devices and appliances to underperform or draw more electricity than normal but also invite hazards such as house fire and electrocution.

4. Voltage fluctuations Although there may be many reasons, voltage fluctuations in the lighting wiring are often considered to be the culprit. Voltage fluctuations will affect the amount of current reaching the output device, in this case, LED square flood lights. In order to determine whether the voltage fluctuation is the cause of the flashing of the LED floodlight, please pay attention to its behavior when other electrical appliances or systems are in use. If the floodlight flickers only when other electrical systems are turned on, it is caused by voltage fluctuations.

A very common cause of flashing LED floodlights is voltage fluctuations in the house’s electrical circuits. Similar voltage fluctuations may also occur in the circuit of floodlights, where multiple low-voltage LED lights are connected to each other and arranged in parallel and in series. Voltage fluctuations can be sensed by the unexpected and unpredictable dimming of lights. When a large electrical appliance is turned on, the lights, including LEDs, flash. When the appliance stops running, the flashing will not stop. If the voltage fluctuates in the range of 115V to 125V, this is normal. But if it exceeds 125V, this must be one of the reasons for the flashing of the LED floodlight. You can measure voltage fluctuations by using a voltmeter.

5. Neighborhood electricity consumption High energy consumption in your neighboring can cause led square flood lights to flash. Your home’s electricity supply is provided through transmitters that you share with others in your neighborhood. Together, your neighbors consume more power than you consume in relation to the voltage you receive in your house or business establishment. When your neighbors start using power-hungry devices, the circuits in your home may experience a voltage drop. This voltage drop can cause your LED floodlights to flash.

Troubleshooting of LED floodlight flashing on/off

To make sure this doesn’t happen simply because your neighbor consumes excessive power, you have better consult an electrician and he can find a solution to solve the problem. However, it is also possible that along with your LED floodlight, another similar lighting in your neighborhood is also flickering. If this is the case, the problem is likely to be with the utility service itself. You can report it to them and ask them to fix the problem. 6.

Problems with the whole house Sometimes, you may notice that not only the LED floodlights but all the lights in the house are flickering. In this case, the problem may be with the meter box and can be corrected by an electrician. The flickering of the LED floodlights is isolated from other appliances and electronics, indicating that the problem may be in the floodlights themselves. However, if the problem is related to the function and behavior of other devices, we must be aware that the problem originates elsewhere – it may have a harmless root cause or it may be sinister. It is here that we need to be more cautious and careful. If the problem lies in voltage fluctuations, it could damage not only the LED floodlight but all other gadgets and appliances that work with electricity.


If the entire community is facing the same problem, it may mean that there is a systemic failure in the service provider’s supply line. In this case, the flickering of the floodlights indicates that the service provider itself can correct a larger problem.

In conclusion

The flashing of the LED floodlight can be caused by any reason, from a simple failure of the meter box to the neighbor’s consuming more electricity. But it may also have more serious connotations, such as dangerous and loose wiring, and rampant voltage fluctuations, which may endanger your life and property. Since this problem may be a hint of a serious problem with the electrical system of your place, it is in your best interest to be checked and corrected by a qualified and experienced electrician. In some cases, the problem may seem simple and may prompt you to try to solve it yourself. Although it is always wiser to ask an electrician to do this, you must take all precautions before you try to solve the issue yourself.

How to make LED light last longer?

LED lights are a far more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option than traditional incandescent bulbs. With a life expectancy of 20 years or more (25 times longer than incandescent lamps), the energy saved by LED light will exceed the higher initial purchase price. However, if your LED bulb burns out quickly, these cost savings will be lost.

To understand why people may experience premature LED failures and how to make our LED light last longer, we did a survey

The investigation revealed that an LED light has three key components: LED chip, LED driver (AC to DC converter), and heat sink. When the manufacturer is parsimonious on any (or all) of these components, it may lead to early failure of the light. Cheap LED chips are more prone to overheating, which may “significantly shorten the life of the chip.” The LED driver must provide a very stable current, otherwise, it will cause the LED chip to burn out. A low-cost power supply may have very few safety features in the electronic circuit and is designed to provide a stable voltage and current to the LED chip. Moreover, if a company uses cheap thin metal with a poor thermal conductivity as its heat sink, it will not be able to complete its job of keeping the chip cool.

Therefore, if you want your LED light to last longer, here are three steps to get the maximum return on your investment.

Avoid cheap, obscure LED lights. Low cost may indicate that manufacturers are cutting corners on components, making the light unable to withstand heat or current problems.

Use dimmable LED bulbs and dimmers designed for LED light. Dimmers not designed for LED light may not provide the correct current, which may cause flash, damage the circuit and shorten the life of the light. Always use dimmers made for LEDs. Similarly, if you are using a dimmer compatible with LEDs, be sure to use an LED light with “dimmable” in the description to avoid circuit damage.

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This post was last modified on 24/10/2023 21:41

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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