Categories: Outdoor

Host a Gorgeous Garden Party (On a Budget!)

Published by
James marcus
Video outdoor party decorations on a budget

I love hosting casual get-togethers outside during the Spring & Summer, and it’s even more fun and challenging to make them look beautiful on a budget. Want to throw a little outdoor party on a budget? Bring elegance to your outdoor gathering with these inexpensive ideas.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Brita. As always, all of the opinions here are my own.

Photos by Two Creeks Photography.

Decorate with free garden flowers

Lilacs are in bloom at our house right now, so I used them as my inspiration and most of the decoration for this little garden party setup on my porch. I love how lilacs look, how they smell, and the addition of fresh flowers to any party will always make it feel elegant. Use whatever flowers you have blooming at the moment and put them in small jars or vases on your table – even one or two blooms will make an impact!

Keep the menu simple

Whether we have an elaborate meal or plain ol’ hamburgers, it’s always a fun time when we eat together outside with neighbours and friends. By keeping your garden party menu simple, you’ll help save some stress in the preparation and be able to enjoy the moment more easily. For this sweet garden party setup, I bought cupcakes from the grocery store and made them look special by adding blackberries and lilacs on top. They look beautiful, but they were so easy to prepare.

Serve filtered water in a pretty pitcher

Everyone loves clean, great-tasting water to drink and you can elevate it by serving it in a beautiful pitcher you’ve decorated yourself. This summer, you can be inspired while staying hydrated with Brita’s Pitchers by decorating them to match your personality and decor!

For a limited time, two free paint markers will be included with the purchase of select Brita Pitchers, making it easy to personalize with beautiful art that can match your summer decor. For my party, I drew some lilacs on my Brita Pitcher to tie into my fresh and elegant lilac theme.

Use inexpensive paper plates & napkins in fun colours

I love using paper plates and napkins for outdoor parties because you can’t break them and they’re not expensive. Look for plates and napkins in colours and patterns that match your garden party theme online and at discount party stores. I found my gorgeous paper plates online and I loved the floral & gold design that made them feel so fun & elegant.

Add mood lighting with candles & twinkle lights

You might have noticed that I love to include string lights & candles in almost all of my decor, but I they’re especially important for an outdoor dining situation. A few inexpensive votive candles in glass votive holders will add instant sparkle to your garden party. Stringing lights from your porch or patio ceiling and using wire string lights in lanterns on your table will make your party feel special and warm.

These simple ideas will help make your garden party gorgeous & elegant this summer while keeping it under budget. I can’t wait to have friends over this season and enjoy each other’s company while dining outside together!

If you pick up a Brita Pitcher with paint markers this season (available this month at Walmart and, make sure to decorate it and share your creation on social media with the hashtag #ThisIsMyBrita. I’d love to see what you come up with to match your outdoor party decor this year!

Now tell me: What are your garden party must-haves? How would you decorate your Brita Pitcher to match your party?

This post was last modified on 11/10/2023 11:25

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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