Categories: Recipe

Here’s how you can make onion oil at home to fight hair fall and flaunt long tresses

Published by
James marcus
Video red oil for hair growth recipe

When it comes to Indian cuisine, most people use onion fairly generously to add taste to their meals. It isn’t just taste but onions come with a whole lot of health benefits too! Its antibacterial properties help to tackle infections, while the fibre content keeps digestion in check. Further, onions also contain antioxidants that ensure that the body is able to fight the damage caused by free radicals.

Due to these very properties, onions are also great for hair health!

It might sound odd, but it’s true! Only recently have people begun discovering the wonders of onions for healthy tresses! In fact, it is said to be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from hair fall, and thinning of hair. A research published on PubMed Central observes the positive effects of topical application of onion for hair loss.

The onion oil you get in the market today is laden with chemicals and preservatives, which can lead to more harm than good. So, how about making this oil right in the comfort of your home?

This recipe, made from onions, curry leaves and coconut oil, will nourish your hair and solve all your hair troubles in no time!

Here’s what you need:

200 ml of coconut oil½ an onion, chopped1 cup curry leaves, optional

Also, read: Struggling with hair loss? This DIY curry-leaf hair oil can help

It is worth having your hair smell like an onion! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here’s how to make it:

There’s no doubt that onion is beneficial for your hair, but it is advised to use it as an oil, so that your scalp doesn’t get irritated.

  1. Chop the onions, and add it to a blender. Next, add curry leaves. Blend the ingredients without adding any water, until it turns into a paste. Avoid using too much onion, because it might end up irritating your scalp.
  2. Add this paste to a kadhai. Next, add coconut oil to the same kadhai, and heat this mixture on a low flame.
  3. After about 5-10 minutes, increase the flame, and let this mixture come to a boil.
  4. Reduce the heat again, and let it simmer for another 15 minutes. By the end of the process, you will see that the oil has become slightly dark.
  5. Set this mixture aside for a whole night. This will ensure that all the ingredients get mixed together.
  6. In the morning, strain this mixture using a sieve. Remember that this mixture is slightly thick, which means it will take some time to pass through the sieve.So, you will have to be patient.

Once you do that, add it to a bottle and apply it at least once a week to see its benefits!

Here’s why onion oil works

The reason onion oil does wonders to your hair and scalp is because it is rich in compounds that help with blood circulation. What’s more, the antioxidants present in it can protect your hair from further damage. Hence, it reduces hair fall and aids hair growth by nourishing the follicles.

This recipe also has curry leaves, because it helps to reduce the unpleasant smell of onions. Besides, it is also known to have properties that reduce hair loss. The protein and beta-carotene in curry leaves are very effective, when it comes to improving hair health.

Coconut oil is used in this variant as a carrier oil, but we already know that it comes with its own benefits. After all, it provides deep hydration to both your hair and scalp!

So, ladies, make this absolutely natural and safe onion oil right at home!

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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