Categories: Kitchens

How to Get Rid of Mice in Kitchen Cabinets

Published by
James marcus

Opening a cupboard or drawer and finding two eyes staring back at you is alarming, and when you think about the health and safety risks mice can pose, the desire to keep them out of your kitchen becomes even stronger. The good news is that you can deal with unwanted rodent guests by using pest control techniques. In this post, we’ll discuss how to get rid of mice in kitchen cabinets and the steps you can take to keep mice out of cupboards in the first place.

How do mice get into kitchen cabinets?

Mice typically get into kitchen cabinets through cracks, holes, and crevices in the carpentry. A mouse can fit through a hole as small as ¼ inch, so there doesn’t need to be extensive damage for it to wriggle its way inside. If mice have easy access to food and water, they may nest in the cabinetry or elsewhere in your space.

Once a rodent makes your kitchen its home, the infestation can grow exponentially, as a single mouse can give birth to up to a litter of six to ten babies per year.

Are mice harmful to humans?

Mice carry germs that cause illnesses and diseases in humans. People can contract viruses and bacteria from mice through direct contact or by something tainted with saliva, feces, or urine. When you have a rodent infestation in your kitchen, you’re also at risk of unknowingly eating food contaminated with these substances.

Like other rodents, mice have a strong urge to chew. Their powerful jaws can gnaw through wiring in the walls, ceiling, or floor. Extensive damage caused by mice could result in electrical shocks or fires, making the pests a safety hazard, too.

How to tell if you have a mouse infestation

Mice are speedy runners and will skitter away quickly if they detect a human. As a result, it’s possible to have a mouse in your kitchen cabinets without ever seeing one. Fortunately, mice do leave behind clues about their presence. If you spot any of the following, you may have a mouse infestation:

  • Black or brown droppings around 0.125 to 0.25″ long
  • Chewing damage on the wood in the cabinets, on shelf paper, or food packaging
  • Scattered nesting material like scraps of paper and fabric
  • Skittering or scratching sounds in the cabinets or kitchen walls, most likely at night
  • Pungent ammonia odor caused by mouse urine

How to get rid of mice in kitchen cabinets

To get rid of mice in kitchen cabinets, you need to control their sources of food and water and physically keep them out. Try these mouse control tips:

  • Deep clean kitchen cabinets by removing everything and wiping out the interior with disinfecting cleaner. Wash any dishes, glassware, or utensils in the cabinet.
  • Clean up spills in the kitchen quickly.
  • Remove shelf paper and avoid using it in the future.
  • Wipe off the countertops, stove, and kitchen table daily.
  • Sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor regularly.
  • Fix any leaks in the kitchen and dry out the sink after use.
  • Use a waste can with a tight-sealing lid and remove trash from the kitchen daily.
  • Store foods in tight-sealing plastic, glass, or metal containers rather than keeping food in cardboard and paper packaging.
  • Wash dishes daily rather than letting them pile up in the sink.
  • Call Hawx Pest Control to have your cupboards and other mouse-friendly areas inspected and a custom plan drawn up for any mouse problems.

How to keep mice out of cabinets

To keep mice out of cabinets, you’ll need to block off potential entry points. Inspect your kitchen cabinetry and the surrounding areas for any signs of damage. If you don’t find any damage, check the following places:

  • Corners of the floors
  • Inside of closets
  • Areas around fireplaces
  • Seals around windows and doors
  • Behind kitchen appliances
  • Around plumbing in the kitchen and the rest of the home
  • Air and dryer vents
  • Areas around water, gas, electrical, and sewer lines
  • Attics
  • Basements and crawl spaces
  • Floor drains
  • Rafters, gables, and roof eaves
  • Around the foundation

Seal any gaps or holes you find. If you need to hire a professional to make repairs, use steel wool secured by caulk as a temporary fix. And again, keeping your kitchen clean is also important. Although mice may take up residence in clean, well-kept homes, lingering crumbs and spills can greatly increase the risk of an infestation.

Premium pest control services

The above tips may help keep mice from moving in, but it can be difficult to know if you’ve addressed an infestation completely. Hawx Pest Control has the experience, knowledge, and tools needed to deal with infestations effectively and safely. Our licensed professional technicians can locate entry and nesting points and use the best treatments to get results.

We can also share additional tips on how to keep mice out of drawers and cabinets based on the unique characteristics of your kitchen. We’ll remain your pest control partner, returning to your home at no charge if mice come back between service visits.

This post was last modified on 15/10/2023 08:30

James marcus

Garden Courte is a blog written by [James Marcus], a passionate gardener and writer. She has been gardening for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of plants and how to care for them. In her blog, she shares her knowledge and experience with others, providing tips and advice on gardening, plant care, and more.

Published by
James marcus

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