Over the Garden Wall is an American animated miniseries of 10 episodes, created by Patrick McHale, and broadcast on Cartoon Network. The miniseries centers around two brothers who travel through a strange forest in order to find their way home. The show is based on a short film by McHale himself titled Tome of the Unknown, which was produced as part of Cartoon Network Studios’ shorts for shows in development. The series ended eight years ago and in this article, we are going to tell you whether you’ll see an Over the Garden Wall Season 2.
Over the Garden Wall ended in 2014 and no new episodes have been announced or produced since then. As far as we know, from Patrick McHale himself, Over the Garden Wall is not getting additional episodes, but McHale did say that he has an idea for a spiritual successor to the series that he’d like to do; sadly, there’s no information on that either.
You are watching: Over the Garden Wall Season 2: Release Date, Trailer, Cast, Plot & More
The rest of this article is going to bring you all the known and unknown information related to a theoretical season 2 of Over the Garden Wall. You’re going to find out about its potential release date, whether there is a trailer, what the story could be about, and much more about this majestic animated series that mesmerized fans eight years ago.
Over the Garden Wall Season 2 release date
Over the Garden Wall is based on Patrick McHale’s nine-minute award-winning short animated film Tome of the Unknown (2013), which premiered on September 9, 2013 at the LA Shorts Fest. Produced by Cartoon Network Studios in 2014, the series was the studio’s first miniseries. The first ideas for the series came up in 2004 with a scarier and more adventurous plot.
McHale originally envisioned a Halloween special and had difficulty rewriting the premise for a longer format. Ultimately, a mini-series format was chosen. McHale cited 19th-century children’s books, early 20th-century American music and folk art as inspirations, as well as visual influences from Gustave Doré and Walt Disney’s Alice Comedies series of the 1920s.
The character of Greg, on the other hand, is based on his own son, and other elements of the story are based on his own experiences. Each episode’s stories were developed by McHale, Amalia Levari, and Tom Herpich (episode 9 also by Cole Sanchez and Bert Youn) and realized by various writers and storyboard artists. Nate Cash directed the miniseries.
In the original miniseries, the voices of the characters are spoken by Elijah Wood, Melanie Lynskey, John Cleese, and Christopher Lloyd, among others. This was a short story about the production of Over the Garden Wall but it doesn’t tell you much, does it? What does this mean for a potential second season of Over the Garden Wall?
We know that neither McHale nor Cartoon Network released any information on a potential second season, but we do have an interview with McHale from 2020 and, sadly, it’s not looking good. We’re going to give you the exact transcript so you can read everything for yourselves:
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Q: YOU’VE EXPANDED ON THE STORY WITH A SERIES OF GRAPHIC NOVELS. DO YOU THINK YOU’LL EVER CREATE A SEQUEL?McHale: I doubt I’ll ever make another Over the Garden Wall miniseries, but there’s a sort of spiritual successor that I absolutely want to make. I love the miniseries format. It can be very grueling making a TV show, so it’s nice when there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
Q: CAN YOU TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THIS SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR YOU WANT TO MAKE? DOES IT TAKE PLACE IN THE UNKNOWN?McHale: I can’t say much about it right now. It has absolutely nothing to do with Over the Garden Wall, other than that it comes from a similar place in my heart and brain.
Q: WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF GRAPHIC NOVELS OVER ANIMATION IN STORYTELLING?McHale: One of the main limitations in graphic novels for me is that there’s no sound, which is 50 percent of the viewer’s experience in animation. But with graphic novels, you have the written word, which can be very powerful.
Q: ARE THERE ANY OVER THE GARDEN WALL STORIES YOU’VE ONLY BEEN ABLE TO TELL THROUGH THE GRAPHIC NOVEL FORMAT?McHale: I wrote a Fred the Horse comic that probably wouldn’t have worked as an animated short, but I thought made a nice comic. I think at some point I actually did pitch Cartoon Network the idea of doing a series of Fred the Horse horror shorts, but nobody was especially inspired to invest the millions of dollars it would take to make that. So, it was nice to have comics as an outlet.
Q: YOU PLANNED FOR THE MINISERIES TO HAVE 18 CHAPTERS. WHAT STORIES ABOUT THE UNKNOWN DIDN’T MAKE IT INTO THE MINISERIES?McHale: Right. We didn’t outline all those stories, and many of them ended up being folded together or changed, and included in other forms in the series (or the comics)… but one of the major cuts was that I originally planned to have a multi-episode arc involving Wirt and Greg turning into animals, and traveling through various animal-themed situations. One involved a hunter, one involved a toad and a snail, and another revolved around Greg’s frog’s backstory. We did one comic where Wirt and Greg turned into animals as a sort of homage to that concept, but the actual show would have played it very differently.
– Interview with Patrick McHale
As you can see, Over the Garden Wall is over. Patrick McHale has finished the story and he does not plan on continuing it in any format. He does have an idea for a spiritual successor, but he did not reveal much information about it. As of April 2022, no information on any form of Over the Garden Wall sequel, either a direct one or a spiritual successor, have been provided to us.
Over the Garden Wall Season 2 trailer
You now know all the facts and our thoughts related to Over the Garden Wall season 2, which means that you’ve probably deduced for yourselves that there is no trailer for the second season of Over the Garden Wall. This is because there won’t be a second season, as McHale himself confirmed, so you won’t be able to see a trailer anytime in the future.
Over the Garden Wall Season 2 plot
As we have said, there won’t be a second season of Over the Garden Wall, at least as far as McHale is concerned. This means that we cannot really discuss a potential plot for a season that is never going to happen. This is why, in this section, we are going to go over the plot of the miniseries that aired back in 2014.
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The miniseries centers around Wirt, his younger brother Greg, and their frog, who end up lost in a strange forest called The Unknown. In order to find their way home, the two must travel through this seemingly magical forest filled with all kinds of extraordinary creatures and animals. Along the way, they meet an old Woodsman who tries to find a shelter for them as well as warn them about the dangers of the forest.
They will also meet Beatrice, a cantankerous bluebird who later accompanies them in order to undo a curse that has befallen her and her entire family. In the end, it will be discovered that she is actually a good person that she should trust. Wirt, the older brother, is a very cautious and fearful boy who usually only trusts himself. His two passions are the clarinet and poetry, but he keeps these private for fear of ridicule.
On the other hand, Wirt’s younger brother Greg tends to see life as a carefree game, which upsets Wirt and sometimes puts himself and others in danger. Greg brings a frog, which he tries to come up with the perfect name for. Stalking the protagonists is the Beast, an ancient creature that leads lost souls astray until they give up and become the Edelwood trees.
Now it will be Wirt’s duty to get his younger brother out of this fearsome forest. In the last two episodes, it is revealed that Wirt and Greg are actually two boys from the modern age. Wirt and Greg’s clothes are due to the fact that it was Halloween, the night they were transported to the Unknown. Wirt, in an attempt to retrieve an embarrassing poetry tape he made for the girl he had a crush on, followed her to a cemetery gathering where they were going to tell horror stories, before a cop catches them, he and Greg jump out. above the garden wall of the cemetery.
On the other side of the wall, they landed on the train tracks, where Greg was nearly hit by a train. Wirt saves him, falling off a hill into a lake/river, and both of them end up unconscious in the process. At the end of the last episode Wirt and Greg wake up in a hospital thinking it was all a dream; Greg sets out to tell a story, but Wirt wakes up before the viewer can hear what Greg’s story is about.
As the scene ends, Greg’s frog begins to glow, due to having eaten a magical bell in the Unknown, suggesting that there is at least some reality to the brothers’ adventure. The series ends with a slow montage of the inhabitants of the Unknown, where a happy ending can be seen for each of them.
Over the Garden Wall Season 2 cast
We know that Over the Garden Wall is not returning for a second season, so we also don’t have a potential or any type of cast list for you in this section. The series was a one-off miniseries that ended back in 2014, so the only thing we actually can do is go over the cast of the miniseries so you know who provided the voices for all the characters:
Where to watch Over the Garden Wall Season 2?
As you might have expected, there is no means of watching Over the Garden Wall season two, as there is and will be no season two of Over the Garden Wall to watch. The first season was aired on Cartoon Network so it’s safe to assume that Cartoon Network would’ve aired a second season as well, but since a second season is not going to happen – there is no way of watching it.
Will there be an Over the Garden Wall Season 3?
The future of Over the Garden Wall is, as of this moment, quite grim. We have said, above, that McHale has no intention of continuing Over the Garden Wall beyond the original miniseries, which means that we won’t be seeing a second season, let alone a third one. So, no, there won’t be a third season of Over the Garden Wall and we’re confirming this with quite a heavy heart because the series was truly great.
Source: https://gardencourte.com
Categories: Garden news